Das Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels

ist ein Forschungsmuseum der Leibniz Gemeinschaft

MEEGene: Museum Seminar für Evolutionäre und Umwelt-Genomik

Die Seminarreihe MEEGene bringt Experten aus den Feldern vergleichende Genomik, Evolutionsbiologie und Umweltgenomik im LIB zusammen. Vorträge behandeln empirische, theoretische sowie technische Entwicklungen.

Bis auf weiteres finden alle Vorträge als Online Format statt wenn nicht anders angekündigt.

Für die Teilnahme als Zuhörer*in oder um Vortragende vorzuschlagen, kontaktieren Sie bitte meegene [at] leibniz-lib.de

Die Vorträge sind frei zugänglich, eine Anmeldung via Email jedoch erforderlich.


Wintersemester 2024

15.10.2024, Sarah Lemer, "TBA"

29.10.2024, Agnieszka Golicz, Title TBA

12.11.2024, TBA

26.11.2024, TBA

10.12.2024, TBA

14.01.2025, TBA

28.01.2025, TBA

Vorherige Redner

Madhav Jagannathan, 09.07.2024, "Satellite DNA function within species and beyond"

Iliana Bista, 25.06.2024, "Some like it cold - tales of genome evolution in Antarctic fish"

Nicolas Gompel, 11.06.2024, "The genetic and evolutionary origin of phenotypic diversification among Drosophila species"

Andrew Mooney, 28.05.2024, "Resurrecting Biodiversity: Realising the Conservation Potential of Biobanking"

Yen Yi Tan, 07.05.2024, "Natural history collections in an era of genomics: a bird's eye view of Singapore"

Mark Harrison, 23.04.2024, "Genomics of healthy ageing in eusocial animals"

Mozes Blom,09.04.2024, "A genomic perspective on Biodiversity and Natural History Research"

Mirte Bosse, 30.01.2024, "Genomic Strategies for Elephantine Conservation Challenges in Zoos"

Lukas Schrader, 16.01.2024, "The impact of transposable elements in ant evolution"

Oscar Puebla, 19.12.2023, "A phylogenomic perspective on the genic view of species and speciation"

Nathalie Feiner, 05.12.2023, "Origin and introgressive spread of a sexually selected syndrome in a Mediterranean wall lizard"

Nina Therkildsen, 21.11.2023, "Chromosomal inversions play a key role in local adaption despite gene flow in Atlantic silversides"

Dario Valenzano, 07.11.2021, "Evolutionary ecology of aging"

Marilou Boddé, 24.10.2023, "Genomic monitoring of Anopheles mosquito populations"


Maria Recuerda, 20.06.2023 "Speciation on islands: genomic divergence between and within-island populations upon colonization of Macaronesia by the common chaffinch"


Deborah Leigh, 23.05.2023 "Genetic diversity in the Anthropocene"

Aaron Vogan, 09.05.2023 “Massive transposons as mechanisms for horizontal gene transfer in eukaryotes”


Ricardo Pereira, 25.04.2023 “Hybrid zones of grasshoppers as windows into the process of species formation”


Rosa Fernández, 24.01.2023 "Parallel and convergent macroevolution as key drivers of extreme habitat shifts in animals"


Martin Claude Fischer, 13.12.2022 , "Monitoring genetic diversity: A genomics-based pilot study for Switzerland"


Anja Westram, 15.11.2022, “The genomic basis of repeated divergence in marine snails”


Fabian Roger, 08.11.2022, "Biodiversity monitoring from Airborne environmental DNA - revolutionary or delusional?"


Mahwash Jamy, 18.10.2022, "Long-read metabarcoding to infer patterns of eukaryotic evolution"


Clare Holleley, 21.06.2022, "Museum epigenomics: chromatin accessibility over the last century"


Tristan Cordier 07.06.2022 "Towards implementing environmental genomics and machine learning for routine biomonitoring"


Kristine Bohmann & Christina Lynggaard, 24.05.2022, "Detection of terrestrial vertebrates using metabarcoding of airborne environmental DNA"


Michael Tobler, 10.05.2022, "Extreme environments, complexity, and the predictability of evolution."


Miklos Bálint, 26.04.2022 "Molecular community ecology: insights on biodiversity change in soils and time"


David Marques, 05.04.2022, "Old genetic variation: key to rapid adaptation and speciation?"


Vanessa Mata, 01.02.2022, "Advancing metabarcoding techniques for the study of trophic interactions and ecosystem services in small vertebrates"


Naiara Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, 18.01.2022, "An evolutionary and environmental genomics perspective to

fisheries management"


Rowen Barrett, 21.12.2021, "Testing the predictability of evolution in nature"


Frank Rheindt, 07.12.2021, "Biodiversity research in the tropics in the era of the sixth extinction crisis"


Katerina Guschanski, 23.11.2021 "Metagenomic time travel: Bear oral microbiome tells the story of antibiotics use and population decline"


Sarah Kocher, 09.11.2021, "Harnessing natural variation to study the evolution of social behavior in bees"


Brent Emerson, 26.10.2021, "DNA-based approaches for landscape-scale understanding of arthropod communities"


Paschalia Kapli 12.10.2021 "Ancient and troublesome branches in the Animal Tree of Life"


Douglas Yu 06.07.2021 "Managing biodiversity with eDNA: leeches, ponds, insects, and insitutional innovations"


Eva K. Fischer 22.06.2021 "Mechanisms of Behavioral Evolution"


Robert Waterhouse, 08.06.2021 "Scaling up arthropod evolutionary genomics"


Miriam Liedvogel , 25.05.2021,"Bird migration - evolutionary genetics of migratory behaviour"


Christine Grossen , 11.05.2021, "Consequences of severe species bottlenecks - integrating ancient diversity and extant species surveys"


Matthew Webster , 27.04.2021, "Analysis of evolution and speciation in alpine bumblebees using population genomics"


Michael Hiller , 13.04.2021, "Comparative approaches to link phenotypic differences between species to differences in their genomes"


Philine Feulner, 02.03.2021 "A genomic perspective on speciation and adaption in Alpine whitefish"


Ludovic Orlando, 16.03.2021, "The evolutionary origins and historical development of the modern horse"


Isabel Almudi, 16.02.2021 "Adaptations to aquatic and aerial life in mayflies"


Iker Irisarri, 02.02.2020 "Phylogenomics and major evolutionary transitions"


Joana Meier, 19.01.2021 "Rapid speciation facilitated by hybridisation"


Kristy Deiner, 15.12.2020 "Global measure of biodiversity using environmental DNA"


Andrew Foote, 01.12.2020, "Museum collections as evolutionary time machines"


Toni Gossmann, 03.11.2020, "Living the post-NGS dream: What we can learn from a flock of genomes."


Camille Berthelot, 20.10.2020, "Seeing double - Deciphering genome organisation and gene evolution after whole-genome duplications"


Armin Mozcek, 22.09.2020 "On the origins of novelty and diversity in development and evolution: case studies on horned beetles"


Ansprechpartnerin / Ansprechpartner

LEITERIN der Junior-Forschergruppe "Elritzen"
+49 228 9122-367
+49 228 9122-212
M.Stange [at] leibniz-lib.de