Das Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels

ist ein Forschungsmuseum der Leibniz Gemeinschaft

First records of the Hymenoptera superfamilies and families Mymarommatoidea: Mymarommatidae and Stephanoidea: Stephanidae in Georgia

Salden, T., Müller, B., Japoshvili, G., Hein, N., Ugrelidze, A., & Peters, R. S.
Vollständiger Titel: 
First records of the Hymenoptera superfamilies and families Mymarommatoidea: Mymarommatidae and Stephanoidea: Stephanidae in Georgia
Publiziert in: 
DOI Name: 
Caucasus, CO1 barcode, new record, parasitoid wasps
Bibliographische Angaben: 
Salden, T., Müller, B., Japoshvili, G., Hein, N., Ugrelidze, A., & Peters, R. S. (2024). First records of the Hymenoptera superfamilies and families Mymarommatoidea: Mymarommatidae and Stephanoidea: Stephanidae in Georgia. Caucasiana, 3, 145-150.

We record for the first time the families Stephanidae and Mymarommatidae and the corresponding superfamilies Stephanoidea and Mymarommatoidea in Georgia. A single female of Stephanus serrator (Fabricius, 1798) was collected in Kakheti, Lagodekhi Protected Area (LPA), in the east, and five individuals of Mymaromma anomalum (Blood & Kryger, 1922) were collected in Achara, Kintrishi National Park (KNP), in the west of Georgia. Each of the studied wasp species is complemented by DNA (CO1) barcode sequences. Vouchers are deposited at Museum Koenig Bonn (LIB, ZFMK) and the Entomology Collection of the Agricultural University of Georgia (ECAUG).

Ansprechpartnerin / Ansprechpartner

Leiter Sektion Hymenoptera
Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter Arthropoda
Editor-in-chief Bonn zoological Bulletin
+49 228 9122-290
+49 228 9122-212
r.peters [at] leibniz-lib.de