Publications Jendrian Riedel (21.12.2021)
Riedel, J. (2021). Evolution and Ecological Adaptations of Microornamentation in Australian Geckos (Gekkota, Squamata). - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 129, 1–2.
Riedel, J., Zozaya, S. M., Hoskin, C. J. & Schwarzkopf, L. (2021). Parallel evolution of toepads in rock-dwelling lineages of a terrestrial gecko (Gekkota: Gekkonidae: Heteronotia binoei). - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 193(2), 636-654.
Pillai, R.*, Riedel, J., Nordberg, E. J., & Schwarzkopf, L. (2020). Geckos cling best to, and prefer to use, rough surfaces. - Frontiers in Zoology, 17(32), 1-12.
Riedel, J. (2020). Evolution and ecological adaptations of microornamentation in Australian geckos. - PhD thesis, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.
Riedel, J., Vucko, M. J., Bloomberg, S. P. & Schwarzkopf, L. (2020). Skin hydrophobicity as an adaptation for self-cleaning in geckos. - Ecology and Evolution, 10, 4640-4651.
Riedel, J.1, Nordberg, E. J.1, & Schwarzkopf, L. (2020). Ecological niche and microhabitat use of Australian geckos. - Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution, 66(3-4), 209-222.
Pillai, R.*, Nordberg, E. J., Riedel, J., & Schwarzkopf, L. (2020). Nonlinear variation in clinging performance with surface roughness in geckos. - Ecology and Evolution, 10, 2597-2607.
Fushida, A.*, Riedel, J., Nordberg, E. J., Pillai, R., & Schwarzkopf, L. (2020). Can geckos increase shedding rate to remove fouling? - Herpetologica, 76, 22–26.
Riedel, J., Vucko, M. J., Blomberg, S. P., Robson, S. K. A., & Schwarzkopf, L. (2019). Ecological associations among epidermal microstructure and scale characteristics of Australian geckos (Squamata: Carphodactylidae and Diplodactylidae). - Journal of Anatomy, 234, 853–874.
Riedel, J., Böhme, W., Bleckmann, H. & Spinner, M. (2015). Microornamentation of leaf chameleons (Chamaeleonidae: Brookesia, Rhampholeon, and Rieppeleon) - with comments on the evolution of microstructures in the chamaeleonidae. - Journal of Morphology, 276, 167–184.