Das Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels

ist ein Forschungsmuseum der Leibniz Gemeinschaft

Publikationsverzeichnis der ZFMK-Mitarbeitenden


Wägele J. W., Walter U. (1990) Discovery of extranephridial podocytes in isopods. J. Crust. Biol. 10: 400-405
Martin G., Wägele J. W., Knott B. (1990) Note on some anatomical features (neurosecretory organs and median ocelli) of Paramphisopus palustris (Glauert, 1924) (Isopoda, Phreatoicidae). Crustaceana 58: 193-199.
Wägele J. W. (1990) Growth in captivity and aspects of reproductive biology of the Antarctic fish parasite Aega antarctica (Crustacea, Isopoda). Polar Biol. 10: 521-527
Walter U., Wägele J. W. (1990) The maxillary gland of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea, Isopoda). J. Morphol. 204: 281-293
Wägele J. W., Brito T. (1990) Die sublitorale Fauna der maritimen Antarktis - erste Unterwasserbeobachtungen in der Admiralitätsbucht. Natur Museum 120: 269-282
Brandt A., Wägele J. W. (1990) Redescription of Pseudidothea scutatus (Stephensen, 1947) and adaptations to a microphagous nutrition. Crustaceana 58:97-105
Wägele J. W. (1990) Aspects of the evolution and biogeography of the stygobiontic Isopoda (Crustacea: Peracarida). Bijdr. Dierk. 60: 145-150
Wägele J. W. (1990) Scleractinia, Annelida, Isopoda, Pterobranchia, Crinoidea, Asteroidea, Echinoidea. In: Sieg, J., Wägele, J. W. (Hsg.), Fauna der Antarktis, Paul Parey Verlag, 214 pp.


Brandt A., Wägele J. W. (1989) Redescriptions of Cymodocella tubicauda Pfeffer, 1887 and Exopshaeroma gigas (Leach, 1818) (Crustacea, Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae). Antarctic Sci. 1:205-214
Wägele J. W., Bruce N. L. (1989) Redescription of Natatolana pastorei (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cirolanidae) and notes on its functional morphology. Contr. Biol. Soc. Washington 102: 95-105
Wägele J. W. (1989) Did the fishes influence the evolution of crustaceans? Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch. 27:297-309
Wägele J. W. (1989) Evolution und phylogenetisches System der Isopoda: Stand der Forschung und neue Erkenntnisse. Zoologica 140:1-262.
Böhme, W. (1989): Neuer Nachweis von Chamaeleo chamaeleon (Linnaeus, 1758) vom Peloponnes, Griechenland. - herpetofauna (Weinstadt), 11(59): 32-34.


Wägele J. W., Brandt A. (1988) Protognathia n. gen. bathypelagica (Schultz, 1977) rediscovered in the Weddell Sea: A missing link between the Gnathiidae and the Cirolanidae (Crustacea, Isopoda). Polar Biol. 8:359-365
Wägele J. W. (1988) Aspects of the life cycle of the Antarctic fish parasite Gnathia calva Vanhöffen (Crustacea: Isopoda). Polar Biol. 8: 287-291
Wägele J. W. (1988) Note on the Arcturidae from the Weddell-Sea and description of Antarcturus hempeli n.sp. (Crustacea: Isopoda: Valvifera). Zool. Scr. 17 (2): 195-211
Brandt A., Wägele J. W. (1988) Antarcturus bovinus n. sp., a new Weddell Sea isopod of the family Arcturidae (Isopoda, Valvifera). Polar Biol. 8:411-419


Wägele J. W., Coleman O., Hosse U. (1987) Two new hypogean species of Cyathura from Melanesia (Crustacea:Isopoda:Anthuridea) :further Tethyan relicts? Stygologia 3:89-106
Wägele J. W. (1987) Neohyssura atlantica n.sp. from the Cape Verde islands (Crustacea:Isopoda:Anthuridea). Bull. Zoöl. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam 11:13-20
Wägele J. W. (1987) The feeding mechanism of Antarcturus and a redescription of A.spinacoronatus Schultz,1978 (Crustacea: Isopoda:Valvifera). Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. (B) 316: 429-458


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