Das Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels

ist ein Forschungsmuseum der Leibniz Gemeinschaft

Publikationsverzeichnis der ZFMK-Mitarbeitenden


Mead, L. R., Alvarado, D. J., Meyers, E., Barker, J., Sealey, M., Caro, M. B., Toledo, H. et al. (2023): Spatiotemporal distribution and sexual segregation in the Critically Endangered angelshark Squatina squatina in Spain's largest marine reserve . - Endangered Species Research 51: 233 - 248; https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01255
Mengual, X., Mayer, C., Burt, T.O., Moran, K.M., Dietz, L., Nottebrock, G., Pauli, T., Young, A.D., Brasseur, M.V., Kukowka, S., Kelso, S., Etzbauer, C., Bot, S., Hauser, M., Jordaens, K., Miranda, G.F.G., Ståhls, G., van Steenis, W., Peters, R.S., Skevington, J.H. (2023): Systematics and evolution of predatory flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) based on exon-capture sequencing. Systematic Entomology 48: 250-277. https://doi.org/10.1111/syen.12573
Miguel, A. R., Borges-Martins, M., Kaiser, H. (2023): There is a first for everything: feet-first feeding by a Snouted Night Adder, Causus defilippii (Jan, 1863), on a Shovel-footed Squeaker, Arthroleptis stenodactylus Pfeffer, 1893, the first live predator-prey interaction reported for these genera and species and the first for Mozambique. – Herpetology Notes 16: 623-626.
Mobaraki, A., Erfani, M., Abtin, E., Brito, J. C., Tan, W. C., Ziegler, T., Rödder, D. (2023): Last chance to see? Iran and India as strongholds for the Mugger Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris). - Salamandra 59(4): 327–335.
Moris, V.C., Podsiadlowski, L., Martin, S., Oeyen, J.P., Donath, A., Petersen, M., Wilbrandt, J., Misof, B., Liedtke, D., Thamm, M., Scheiner, R., Schmitt, T., Niehuis, O. (2023). Intrasexual cuticular hydrocarbon dimorphism in a wasp sheds light on hydrocarbon biosynthesis genes in Hymenoptera. Communications Biology 6: 147
Moritz, L., Wesener, T., Wipfler, B. (2023): Habitat, Aggregations and postembryonic development of the siphonocryptid millipede Hirudicryptus canariensis (Loksa, 1967) in the Laurel forest of Tenerife (Diplopoda: Siphonocryptida). - Graellsia 79 (1): 1-19.
Mozer, A., & Prost, S. (2023). An Introduction to Illegal Wildlife Trade and its Effects on Biodiversity and Society. Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments, 100064.
Mueller, J. C., Schlebusch, S. A., Pei, Y., Poignet, M., Vontzou, N., Ruiz-Ruano, F. J., Albrecht, T., Reifová, R., Forstmeier, W., Suh, A., Kempenaers, B. (2023). Micro germline-restricted chromosome in blue tits: evidence for meiotic functions. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40, msad096
Ngo, H. N., Rödder, D., Grismer, L., Nguyen, T. Q., Le, M. D., Qi, S., Ziegler, T. (2023): Extraordinary diversity among allopatric species in the genus Goniurosaurus (Squamata: Eublepharidae): understanding niche evolution and the need of conservation measures. - Biodiversity and Conservation; https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-023-02564-4
Noll NW, Scherber C, Schäffler L. 2023. taxalogue: a toolkit to create comprehensive CO1 reference databases. PeerJ 11:e16253
Oda, F. H., Martins, T. F., Labruna, M. B., O'Shea, M., Kaiser, H. (2023): Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of three Timor-Leste reptiles: first country record of Amblyomma helvolum, with new interactions and an updated list of host species. - Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 14 (3); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2022.102060
Ovchinnikov, V., Uliano-Silva, M., Wilkinson, M., Wood, J., Smith, M., Oliver, K., Sims, Y., Torrance, J., Suh, A., McCarthy, S. A., Durbin, R., O’Connell, M. J. (2023) Caecilian genomes reveal molecular basis of adaptation and convergent evolution of limblessness in snakes and caecilians. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40, msad102.
O’Shea, M., Wallach, V., Hsiaoc, E., Kaiser, H. (2023): “Anteaters” under the airport: a slender new species of blindsnake, genus Indotyphlops, from Timor-Leste (Scolecophidia: Typhlopidae: Asiatyphlopinae). - Canadian Journal of Zoology 101: 486–498; dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjz-2022-0097
Padrón, D. F., Mebert, K., Pareja-Mejía, D., Bauer, A., Fernandes Vasconcelos, L. D., Correia, D., ... , Solé, M. (2023): Living in a mosaic of Brazilian Atlantic Forest and plantations: spatial ecology of five bushmaster Lachesis muta (Viperidae Crotalinae). - Ethology Ecology & Evolution 35 (5): 530-550; DOI: 10.1080/03949370.2022.2123860
Pareja‑Mejía, D., Benevides, J., Gomes, L., Moreira Da Silva Neto, E., Queiroz Menezes, V., Silva Roseno, R., ... , Solé, M. (2023): Following the footsteps of Burmeister’s leaf frog (Phyllomedusa burmeisteri) in the Atlantic forest of Brazil. - Scientific Reports (2023) 13: 16698; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-43491-2
Pei, Y., Forstmeier, W., Knief, U., & Kempenaers, B. (2023). Weak antagonistic fitness effects can maintain an inversion polymorphism. Molecular Ecology, 32, 3575–3585. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16963
Pérez-Granados, C., Schuchmann, K.-L. (2023): The sound of the illegal: Applying bioacoustics for long-term monitoring of illegal cattle in protected areas. - Ecological Informatics 74, 101981.
Pillai, R. R., Riedel, J., Schwarzkopf, L. (2023): The role of ecdysis in repair of an attachment system: A case study using geckos. - Journal of Experimental Biology; https://doi.org/10.1242
Pyrcz, T. W., Boyer, P., Cerdeña Gutierrez, J. A., Mahecha Jimenez, O., Lorenc-Brudecka, J., Zajac, K. S., Garlacz, R., Mrozek, A., Lachowska-Cierlik, D., Farfán, J., Fåhraeus, C., Lamas, G., Espeland, M. (2023): Diversity and relationships between Andean shrubland puna butterflies in the genus Punargentus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). European Journal of Taxonomy, 120, 324-337.
Pyrcz, T. W., Willmott, K. R., Lachowska-Cierlik, D., Mrozek, A., Florczyk, K., Mahecha-J., O., Espeland, M. (2023): Phylogeny and systematics of the “Pronophila clade,” with 2 new genera to resolve the formerly polyphyletic genus Pseudomaniola (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Insect Systematics and Diversity, 7, 1-20.


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