Population status and distribution patterns of puku
The puku (Kobus vardonii Livingstone, 1857) is a medium-sized member of the Reduncini (Bovidae) with a golden-yellow coat with horns in males only and distributed along rivers and lakes in south central Africa. This is a common species in protected areas in Zambia, but recent population estimates are lacking. Kasanka National Park (KasNP; 390 km²) is run by the Kasanka Trust Ltd. and is situated in the north of the Central Province of Zambia. Woodlands, especially miombo woodlands, cover 70% of KasNP but are interrupted by grasslands, that is, papyrus swamps, dambos and floodplains. In KasNP, data for the last study about puku in Zambia were collected in 1994. I (re)investigated this population with regard to numbers, population structure and distribution to assess possible changes and to provide new information about puku in Zambia.