Odonata from northeastern Papua New Guinea
64 (sub)species from 10 families of Odonata were recorded throughout five provinces of Papua New Guinea, including the Bismarck islands of New Britain and New Ireland, from mid-May to early July 1997. The field trip led to the description of two new damselfly species (Gassmann, 1999; Gassmann, 2011) and one possibly new damsel- and dragonfly taxon, respectively. For several taxa, considerable range expansions are provided. Agriocnemis aderces Lieftinck, Hemicordulia hilbrandi Lieftinck, Nososticta callisphaena (Lieftinck), Nososticta plagioxantha (Lieftinck) and Tanymecosticta fissicollis (Lieftinck) are recorded for Papua New Guinea for the first time. Brachydiplax duivenbodei (Brauer) is a new record for New Britain. Agriocnemis femina (Brauer),
Mortonagrion martini Ris, Nososticta africana (Schmidt), Rhyothemis resplendens Selys, Xiphiagrion cyanomelas Selys, Brachydiplax duivenbodei (Brauer) and possibly Brachydiplax denticauda (Brauer) are recorded from New Ireland for the first time.