Integrating biological data into development projects
Vollständiger Titel:
Integrating biological data into development projects: threatened bird species and management plans for sustainable forestry in the Province of Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
ZFMK-Autorinnen / ZFMK-Autoren:
Org. Einordnung:
Beitrag zu Sammelwerk
Bibliographische Angaben:
Jahn, O. (2001): Integrating biological data into development projects: threatened bird species and management plans for sustainable forestry in the Province of Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Pp. 39-53.In Rhoades, R., Stallings, J. (eds.): Integrated Conservation and Development in Tropical America: Experiences and Lessons in Linking Communities, Projects and Policies. SANREM CRSP and CARE – SUBIR, Athens, Georgia, USA.