How suitable are automatically inferred gene models for uncovering taxon-specific gene structural differences in gene repertoires?
Vollständiger Titel:
Wilbrandt J, Misof B, Panfilio KA, and Niehuis O: How suitable are automatically inferred gene models for uncovering taxon-specific gene structural differences in gene repertoires? Genome Biology: subm.
ZFMK-Autorinnen / ZFMK-Autoren:
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Publiziert in:
Genome Biology and Evolution
Populärwissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung
Bibliographische Angaben:
Wilbrandt J, Misof B, Panfilio KA, and Niehuis O: How suitable are automatically inferred gene models for uncovering taxon-specific gene structural differences in gene repertoires? Genome Biology: subm.