Genetic evidence of several cryptic species within the Scarturus elater species complex
Vollständiger Titel:
Bannikova, A., Lebedev, V., Dubrovskaya, A., Solovyeva, E., Moskalenko, V., Kryštufek, B., Hutterer, R., Bykova, E., Zhumabekova, B., Rogovin, K., Shenbrot, G. 2019. Genetic evidence of several cryptic species within the Scarturus elater species complex (Rodentia: Dipodoidea): When cryptic species are really cryptic. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126: 16-39.
ZFMK-Autorinnen / ZFMK-Autoren:
Org. Einordnung:
Publiziert in:
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Bibliographische Angaben:
Bannikova, A., Lebedev, V., Dubrovskaya, A., Solovyeva, E., Moskalenko, V., Kryštufek, B., Hutterer, R., Bykova, E., Zhumabekova, B., Rogovin, K., Shenbrot, G. (2019): Genetic evidence of several cryptic species within the Scarturus elater species complex (Rodentia: Dipodoidea): When cryptic species are really cryptic. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126: 16-39.
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Archiv ZFMK
+49 228 9122-261
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r.hutterer [at] leibniz-zfmk.de