Amphibian and reptilian records from south-central Mali and western Burkina Faso
Some amphibians and reptiles from southern Mali and southwestern Burkina Faso have been deposited in the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK) since the year 2000. Supplemented by some photographic voucher material they contain several remarkable, in some cases even new records for the two respective countries. Malian specimens were collected mainly in the region between Douentza and Bandiagara in the south-central part of the country, while those from Burkina Faso are from the Bobo Dioulasso area in the southwestern part of the country. Three amphibian species are new for Mali’s faunal list (Leptopelis bufonides, Ptychadena trinodis, Pyxicephalus sp. as the first representative of its genus). Two specimens of a small-sized Agama species cannot yet be assigned to a described species with certainty but are in any case of zoogeographical interest. A specimen of Chamaeleo gracilis documents the second record of this species for Burkina Faso, the first one in the western part of the country. The slender blind snake Leptotyphlops albiventer is recorded for the first time for this country.