Phylogeography of the burnet…
Vollständiger Titel:
Phylogeography of the burnet moth Zygaena transalpina complex: molecular and morphometric differentiation suggests glacial refugia in Southern France, Western France and micro‐refugia within the Alps
ZFMK-Autorinnen / ZFMK-Autoren:
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Publiziert in:
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
Bibliographische Angaben:
VON REUMONT, B.M., STRUWE, J.F., SCHWARZER, J., MISOF, B. (2012) Phylogeography of the burnet moth Zygaena transalpina complex: molecular and morphometric differentiation suggests glacial refugia in Southern France, Western France and micro‐refugia within the Alps. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 50 (1): 38–50.