You can’t always get what you want: attempted predation and prey handling of fish by the Checkered Keelback (Serpentes: Natricidae) in Nepal
Vollständiger Titel:
You can’t always get what you want: attempted predation and prey handling of fish by the Checkered Keelback, Fowlea piscator (Schneider, 1799) in Nepal (Serpentes: Natricidae)
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Publiziert in:
Herpetology Notes
Checkered Keelback, Fowlea piscator, predation
Bibliographische Angaben:
Devkota, K., Maharjan, A., Kaiser, H. (2020): You can’t always get what you want: attempted predation and prey handling of fish by the Checkered Keelback, Fowlea piscator (Schneider, 1799) in Nepal (Serpentes: Natricidae). - Herpetology Notes 13: 1073-1077 (2020).