Das Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels

ist ein Forschungsmuseum der Leibniz Gemeinschaft

The thermal ecology and physiology of reptiles and amphibians: A user's guide

Taylor, E. N., Diele-Viegas, L. M., Gangloff, E. J., Hall, J. M., Halpern, B., Massey, M. D., Rödder, D., et al.
Vollständiger Titel: 
The thermal ecology and physiology of reptiles and amphibians: A user's guide
ZFMK-Autorinnen / ZFMK-Autoren: 
Org. Einordnung: 
Publiziert in: 
Journal of Experimental Zoology
DOI Name: 
climate change, critical temperatures, lizard, methodology, temperature, thermoregulation
Bibliographische Angaben: 
Taylor, E. N., Diele-Viegas, L. M., Gangloff, E. J., Hall, J. M., Halpern, B., Massey, M. D., Rödder, D., et al. (2021): The thermal ecology and physiology of reptiles and amphibians: A user's guide. - Journal of Experimental Zoology 2020: 13-44; doi: 10.1002/jez.2396

Research on the thermal ecology and physiology of free‐living organisms is accelerating as scientists and managers recognize the urgency of the global biodiversity crisis brought on by climate change. As ectotherms, temperature fundamentally affects most aspects of the lives of amphibians and reptiles, making them excellent models for studying how animals are impacted by changing temperatures. As research on this group of organisms accelerates, it is essential to maintain consistent and optimal methodology so that results can be compared across groups and over time. This review addresses the utility of reptiles and amphibians as model organisms for thermal studies by reviewing the best practices for research on their thermal ecology and physiology, and by highlighting key studies that have advanced the field with new and improved methods. We end by presenting several areas where reptiles and amphibians show great promise for further advancing our understanding of how temperature relations between organisms and their environments are impacted by global climate change.

Ansprechpartnerin / Ansprechpartner

Kurator Herpetologie
+49 228 9122-252
+49 228 9122-212
d.roedder [at] leibniz-lib.de