Publikationsverzeichnis der ZFMK-Mitarbeitenden
Wesener, T. (2022): Integrative redescriptiom of the enigmatic monotypic alpine pill millipede genus Simplomeris Verhoeff, 1936 (Glomerida, Glomeridae, Haploglomerinae). Zootaxa 5200 (6): 550-564.
Mengual, X., Kilian, I.C., Pazmiño-Palomino, A. (2022): First records of the genus Aristosyrphus Curran, 1941 (Diptera, Syrphidae) from Ecuador. - Check List 18(5): 1045-1051.
Bakwo Fils, E. M., Flora, K. Z. J. , Evis, M. D., Aaron, M. M., Decher, J. (2022): New records and updates on the geographic distribution of the Egyptian Tomb Bat Taphozous perforatus (E. Geoffroy, 1818) in Cameroon. - Journal of Threatened Taxa 14:xxxxx–xxxxx.
Ajal J., Kiær L. P., Pakeman R. J., Scherber C., Weih M. (2022) Intercropping drives plant phenotypic plasticity and changes in functional trait space. Basic and Applied Ecology 61:41-52.
Jaume-Schinkel, S. (2022): Description of Tonnoira conistylus sp. nov. from Costa Rica and a new record of Tonnoira distincta Bravo et al. 2008 from Ecuador. - Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment
Gassmann, D. (2022): Die Echse aus der Glotze. - Science Notes - Das Magazin für Wissen und Gesellschaft 8: 26-27.
López-García, G. P., Roig-Juñet, S. A., Pérez-Bañón, C., Mazzitelli, E., Montoya, A. L., Rojo, S., Mengual, X. (2022): Description of the third-stage larva and puparium of Platycheirus (Carposcalis) chalconota (Philippi) (Diptera: Syrphidae) with new information about the trophic interactions and larval habitats. - Neotropical Entomology 51: 81–98.
Mengual, X. (2022): New flower fly records (Diptera: Syrphidae: Syrphinae) from China, Korea, and Malaysia. - Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 124(2): 302-315.
Jaume-Schinkel, S., Kvifte, G.M, Van Der Weele, R. & Mengual, X. (2022): Alepia viatrix sp. nov. (Diptera: Psychodidae), a new species of a Neotropical genus found on the Azores Archipelago (Portugal). - Zootaxa 5128(3): 384-396.
Flury, J.M., Hilgers, L., Herder, F., Spanke, T., Misof, B., Wowor, D., Boneka, F., Wantania, L.L., Mokodongan, D.F., Mayer, C., Nolte, A.W., Schwarzer, J., 2022. The genetic basis of a novel reproductive strategy in Sulawesi ricefishes: How modularity and a low number of loci shape pelvic brooding. Evolution n/a.
Vujić, A., Gilbert, F., Flinn, G., Englefield, E., Varga, Z., Ferreira, C.C., Eggert, F., Woolcock, S., Böhm, M., Vbra, J., Mergy, R., Ssymank, A., van Steenis, W., Aracil, A., Földesi, R., Grković, A., Mazanek, L, Nedeljković, Z., Pennards, G.W.A., Pérez, C., Radenković, S., Ricarte, A., Rojo, S., Ståhls, G., van der Ent, L.-J., van Steenis, J., Barkalov, A., Campoy, A., Janković, M., Likov, L., Lillo, I., Mengual, X., Milić, D., Miličić, M., Nielsen, T., Popov, G., Romig, T., Šebić, A., Speight, M., Tot, T., van Eck, A., Veselić, S., Andric, A., Bowles, P., De Groot, M., Marcos-García, M.A., Hadrava, J., Lair, X. , Malidžan, S., Nève, G., Obreht Vidakovic, D., Popov, S., Smit, J.T., Van De Meutter, F. and Veličković, N. (2022): The European Red List of Hoverflies. - European Commission (Brussels, Belgium): viii+96 pp.
Jaume-Schinkel S., Kvifte G. M. (2022): Platyplastinx ibanezbernali sp. nov., a new species of moth fly (Diptera: Psychodidae) from Ecuador. - Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 62(2): 383-389.
Formenti G, Theissinger K, Fernandes C, Bista I, Bombarely A, Bleidorn C, Ciofi C, Crottini A, Godoy JA, Höglund J, Malukiewicz J, Mouton A, Oomen RA, Paez S, Palsbøll PJ, Pampoulie C, Ruiz-López MJ, Svarda H, Theofanopoulou C, de Vries J, Waldvogel AM, Zhang G, Mazzoni CJ, Jarvis ED, Bálint M and European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) Consortium. (2022) The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37(3):197-202 doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2021.11.008.
Jaume-Schinkel, S., Ibáñez-Bernal, S. (2022): Diversity of blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in a remnant of low deciduous forest in Yautepec, Morelos, Mexico. - Dugesiana 29 (2): 153-162.
Fonseca, V.G., Kirse, A., Giebner, H. et al. Metabarcoding the Antarctic Peninsula biodiversity using a multi-gene approach. ISME COMMUN. 2, 37 (2022).
Kück, P., Romahn, J., Meusemann, K. (2022): Pitfalls of the site-concordance factor (sCF) as measure of phylogenetic branch support. - NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics. Accepted.Ro
Fleischmann, A., Gonella, P. M., Rojo, S., Mengual X. (2022): Attracted to feed, not to be fed upon – on the biology of Toxomerus basalis (Walker, 1836), the kleptoparasitic ‘sundew flower fly’ (Diptera: Syrphidae). - Journal of Tropical Ecology 38: 241-253.
Jacobs A, Schrader S, Babin D, Beylich A, Brunotte J, Dauber J, Emmerling C, Engell I, Flessa H, Hallmann J, Hommel B, Klages S, Lehmhus J, Meyer M, Meyer-Wolfarth F, Potthoff M, Runge T, Scherber C et al.
Zaenker, S., Fahldieck, M. (2022): Lipsothrix remota (Walker, 1848) (Diptera: Limoniidae) – eine neue cavernicole Stelzmückenart für Deutschland. - Mainzer naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 59: 295-300.
Nöske, N. & Waskow, K. (2022): FörTax – Förderung von taxonomischem Wissen als Grundlage für den Naturschutz In: Husemann et al., Facettenreiche Insekten - Vielfalt, Gefährdung, Schutz, Hauptverlag.