Das Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels

ist ein Forschungsmuseum der Leibniz Gemeinschaft

Publikationsverzeichnis der ZFMK-Mitarbeitenden


Schidelko, K. (2006): Verkehrtfüßler. - In: Rick, S. & Wagner, P. [Red.] (2006): Faszination Natur. Tiere [5]. Vögel 1. - Brockhaus (Leipzig, Mannheim). pp. 374-379.
Schidelko, K. (2006): Lerchen. - In: Elzen, R. van den & Schidelko, K. [Red.] (2006): Faszination Natur. Tiere [6]. Vögel 2. - Brockhaus (Leipzig, Mannheim), pp. 196-203.
Schidelko, K. (2006): Würgerkrähen. - In: Elzen, R. van den & Schidelko, K. [Red.] (2006): Faszination Natur. Tiere [6]. Vögel 2. - Brockhaus (Leipzig, Mannheim), pp. 102-103.
Schidelko, K. (2006): Meisen. - In: Elzen, R. van den & Schidelko, K. [Red.] (2006): Faszination Natur. Tiere [6]. Vögel 2. - Brockhaus (Leipzig, Mannheim), pp. 168-181.
Schidelko, K. (2006): Eulen. - In: Rick, S. & Wagner, P. [Red.] (2006): Faszination Natur. Tiere [5]. Vögel 1. - Brockhaus (Leipzig, Mannheim). pp. 316-337.
Schidelko, K. (2006): Prachtfinken. - In: Elzen, R. van den & Schidelko, K. [Red.] (2006): Faszination Natur. Tiere [6]. Vögel 2. - Brockhaus (Leipzig, Mannheim), pp. 344-351.
Schidelko, K. (2006): Rackenvögel. - In: Rick, S. & Wagner, P. [Red.] (2006): Faszination Natur. Tiere [5]. Vögel 1. - Brockhaus (Leipzig, Mannheim). pp. 380-411.
Schidelko, K. (2006): Beutelmeisen. - In: Elzen, R. van den & Schidelko, K. [Red.] (2006): Faszination Natur. Tiere [6]. Vögel 2. - Brockhaus (Leipzig, Mannheim), pp. 182-183.
Schidelko, K. (2006): Schwanzmeisen. - In: Elzen, R. van den & Schidelko, K. [Red.] (2006): Faszination Natur. Tiere [6]. Vögel 2. - Brockhaus (Leipzig, Mannheim), pp. 194-195.
Stüben, P. E., Astrin, J. J. (2006): New insights from biogeography, morphology and molecular biology: the species status of Acalles temperei Péricart, 1987 and Kyklioacalles navieresi (Boheman, 1837) (Curculionidae: Cryptorhynchinae). - Weevil News 33: 1-8.
Wesener, T. (2006). Giant-pill millipede diversity on Madagascar (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida). Peckiana 4, 2005 [2006], 189–193


Huber BA. 2005. High species diversity, male-female coevolution, and metaphyly in Southeast Asian pholcid spiders: the case of Belisana Thorell 1898 (Araneae, Pholcidae). Zoologica 155: 1-126.
Schüller, M., Wägele, J.W. (2005): Redescription of Ischyromene lacazei Racovitza, 1908 (Isopoda: Sphaeromatidae) from the Mediterranean coast of Southern France. Org. Div. Evol. 5: 165-166 and
Foundations of Phylogenetic Systematics. Johann-Wolfgang Wägele, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. München, January 2005
Huber BA. 2005. Revision and cladistic analysis of the spider genus Carapoia González-Sponga (Araneae: Pholcidae), with descriptions of new species from Brazil’s Atlantic forest. Invertebrate Systematics 19: 541-556.
Held, C., Wägele, J.W. (2005): Cryptic speciation in the giant Antarctic isopod Glyptonotus antarcticus (Isopoda, Valvifera, Chaetiliidae). Scientia Marina 69: 175-181.
Brandt, A., Brenke, N., Andres, H.G., Brix, S., Guerrero-Kommritz, J., Siegel, U., Wägele, J.W. (2005): Diversity of peracarid crustaceans (Malacostraca) from the abyssal plain of the Angola Basin. Org. Div. Evol. 5: 105-112
Mayer, C., Wägele, J.W. (2005) SAMS (split analysis methods) version 1.4 beta [manual, published online: www.biomedcentral.com/content/supplementary/1471-2148-7-147-s4.pdf]
Bartolomaeus, T. & Quast, B. (2005): Structure and development of nephridia in Annelida and related taxa. In: Bartolomaeus, T. & Purschke, G. (eds.): Morphology, Molecules, Evolution and Phylogeny in Polychaeta in related taxa. – Hydrobiologia 535-536: 139-165
Fürst von Lieven, A., Bärmann, E.V., Sudhaus, W. (2005): How can nematodes mate without spicules? Function of the male gonoduct glands in the roundworm Myolaimus. Zoology 108, 211-216.


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