Das Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels

ist ein Forschungsmuseum der Leibniz Gemeinschaft

Publikationsverzeichnis der ZFMK-Mitarbeitenden


RÖDDER, D., SCHMITZ, A. (2009) Two new Pristimantis from Ecuador. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 116: 275-288.
RÖDDER, D., TRAUTMANN, D., BÖHME, W. (2009) Notes on the reproductive mode of Melanoseps emmrichi Broadley, 2006. Herpetology Notes, 2: 17-19.
RÖDDER, D., WEINSHEIMER, F. (2009) Will future anthropogenic climate change increase the potential distribution of the alien invasive Cuban treefrog (Anura: Hylidae)? Journal of Natural History 43: 1207-1217.
SCHMIDT, B.R., FURRER, S., KWET, A., LÖTTERS, S., RÖDDER, D., SZTATECSNY, M., TOBLER, U., ZUMBACH, S. (2009) Desinfektion als Maßnahme gegen die Verbreitung von Krankheitserregern von Amphibien. Pp. 229-241 In: Hachtel, M., M. Schlüpmann, B. Thiesmeier, Weddelin, K. (eds): Methoden der Feldherpetologie. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie (Suppl. 15).
Schmidt-Loske, K. (2009): Maria Sibylla Merian-Insects of Surinam/Die Insekten Surinams/Les Insectes de Surinam, Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium 1705, (Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch), Taschen-Verlag (Köln), 192 pp
SCHUCHMANN, K.-L. (2009) Schutzmanagement gefährdeter Vogelarten in der südlichen Mata Atlantica Brasiliens. Flying Free 27: 7-9.
SCHUCHMANN, K.-L. (2009) Caring for pollinators, birds: Trochilidae, Nectariniidae, Meliphagidae, Carduelidae. BfN 250: 170-176.
Schüller, M., Ebbe, B., Wägele, J.W. (2009) Community structure, diversity, and zoogeographical affinities of polychaete communities (Annelida) in the deep Weddell Sea (Southern Ocean) and adjacent basins. Mar. Biodiv.
Schwarzer, J., Misof, B., Tautz, D., & Schliewen, U. K. (2009). The root of the East African cichlid radiations. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9(1), 186.
Skibbe, A., Gießing, B., Gießing, K., Ludwigs, J.-D., Schidelko, K., Stiels, D. & Wolf, C. (2009): Erste Ergebnisse telemetrischer Untersuchungen an der Waldschnepfe Scolopax rusticola in der Wahner Heide. Kölner ornithologische Berichte 1: 17-27
Sobek S, Goßner MM, Scherber C, Steffan-Dewenter I, Tscharntke T (2009) Tree diversity drives abundance and spatiotemporal β-diversity of true bugs (Heteroptera). Ecological Entomology 34: 772-782.
Sobek S, Scherber C, Steffan-Dewenter I, Tscharntke T (2009) Sapling herbivory, invertebrate herbivores and predators across a natural tree diversity gradient in Germany's largest connected deciduous forest. Oecologia 160: 279-288.
Sobek S, Steffan-Dewenter I, Scherber C, Tscharntke T (2009) Spatiotemporal changes of beetle communities across a tree diversity gradient. Diversity and Distributions 15: 660-670.
Sobek S, Tscharntke T, Scherber C, Schiele S, Steffan-Dewenter I (2009) Canopy vs. understory: Does tree diversity affect bee and wasp communities and their natural enemies across forest strata? Forest Ecology and Management 258: 609-615.
SOLÉ, M., RIBEIRO DIAS, I., SANTOS RODRIGUES, E.A., SANTOS SILVA JR., E.M., MARTINS DE JESUS BRANCO, S., PEREIRA CAVALCANTE, K., RÖDDER, D. (2009) Diet of Leptodactylus ocellatus (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from a cacao plantation in southern Bahia, Brazil. Herpetology Notes 2: 9-15.
SOLÉ, M., RÖDDER, D. (2009) Dietary assessments in adult amphibians. Chapter 10. In: Dodd, K. (ed.): Amphibian ecology and conservation. A handbook of techniques. Oxford University Press, S. 167-184.
STOCSITS, R.R., LETSCH, H., HERTEL, J., MISOF, B., STADLER, P.F. (2009) Accurate and efficient reconstruction of deep phylogenies from structured RNAs. Nucl. Acids Res., 37, 6184-6193.
Stüben, P. E., Astrin, J. J. (2009): Neue Erkenntnisse zur Taxonomie, Biologie und Ökologie der Cryptorhynchinae von den Makaronesischen Inseln. 5. Beitrag: Madeira / Porto Santo / Desertas / Selvagens (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cryptorhynchinae). - Snudebiller - Studies on taxonomy, biology and ecology of Curculionoidea 10: 48-86.
Stüben, P. E., Fabian, K., Astrin, J. J. (2009): TreeClimbers: Dendroacalles, Silvacalles and Lauriacalles of the Canary Islands. - CURCULIO Institute (Mönchengladbach). 41pp.
STÜNING, D., WALIA, V.K. (2009) The genus Astygisa Walker, 1865 in India, with description of a new species from Western Himalaya (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Ennominae). Tinea 21 (1), 9-22.


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