Quast, B.: Datenmanagement-Planung im GFBio-Projekt, eine Standortbestimmung. DINI Workshop „Datenmanagementpläne und ihre Bedeutung im Forschungsdatenmanagement” 2015, Berlin. presentation
Quast, B.: Interaktiver Datenmanagement Navigator iDMN. Erster Workshop für Datenkuratoren an den GFBio Sammlungsdatenzentren 2014, Stuttgart. presentation
Quast, B. & Bartolomaeus, T. : The reappaerance of ciliary head kidneys in Platynereis - beside the "cutting edge". International Congress of Invertebrate Morphology (ICIM3) 2014, Berlin. abstract
Quast, B.: High throughput image registration with open source software. 13th annual meeting GfBS 2012, Bonn
Quast, B.: Usage of open source software for 3D reconstruction from serial sections. Department of Integrative Zoology, Universität Wien, 2012
Quast, B., Koch, M. & Bartolomaeus, T.: Nephridiogenesis and body cavity formation and the origin of arthropods. "Celebrating Darwin", Meeting of the DFG priority program "Deep Metazoan Phylogeny" 2009, Berlin
Beckers, P., Quast, B., Wallnisch, C., Bartolomaeus, T.: Next generation histology in comparative animal morphology. 107. Annual Meeting DZG 2014, Göttingen
Kato, C. & Quast, B.: Ultrastructural invesitigation of head kidneys in sedentary Annelida. International Congress of Invertebrate Morphology 2014, Berlin
Rütjes, L., Quast, B., Koch, M. & Bartolomaeus, T.: Occurence and fate of embryonic coeloms in Chelicerata. 2nd International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology 2011, Boston
Bartolomaeus, T., v. Doehren, J., Quast, B. & Koch, M.: Nephridial development and embryonic coelom fate in Artemia salina (Crustacea: Branchiopoda). 101. Annual Meeting DZG 2008, Jena
Quast, B. & Bartolomaeus, T.: The ultrastructure of the transitory nephridia of "oligochaetous" clitellates supports a homology with the head kidneys of other Trochozoa. 100. Annual Meeting DZG 2007, Köln