Museum Koenig mobile
Our mobile bus will soon be on the road in and around Bonn area. It´s an outreach project packed full of exhibits and research equipment as well as many exciting things to try out and experiment with.
Find out how “diverse” “Biodiversity” really is. Discover what´s on show in the museum and how the exhibits are prepared. Find out about the current scientific research going on at the museum and how you can participate at home. Take part in research into the number of species in
your local surroundings, what does the common hamster look like on the inside or how can we make microscopic things and structures visible.
The project takes place in and around the bus and is suitable for anyone who is curious to find out more – from pre-school age upwards. We can offer the possibility for discovering the bus individually or for booking a program for different ages and school year groups.
The bus is also accessible for wheelchair users and will start it`s first tour in the Autumn 2021.
We look forward to meeting all discoverers!