The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association

X-ray apparatus

What is an X-ray apparatus?

An X-ray apparatus is a machine that uses electromagnetic waves of certain energy to image a sample. It was developed by Conrad Friedrich Röntgen at the end of the 19th century and is widely used in medical analyses to image bones and their fracture. 

Xray fish
X-rays of different fish.


Which equipment is available at ZFMK?  

The ZFMK has a Faxitron Cabinet XRAY apparatus.


Röntgenaufnahme einer Schlange


What is the X-ray apparatus used for at ZFMK?

It is used to image the inner structure of animals, especially the skeleton of vertebrates. In contrast to computed tomography (CT) X-ray images are 2-dimensional. In exchange they can be created much faster and with considerably less effort.


Contact person

Head of Morphology Laboratory
+49 228 9122-235
+49 228 9122-212
Benjamin.Wipfler [at]