The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change
is a research museum of the Leibniz Association
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During recent years research concerning the morphology of organisms has been arguably revolutionised by the rapidly extending application of innovative methods like X-ray tomography (μCT, SRμCT), laser scanning microscopy (cLSM), digitalisation of serial sections, etc.. Common to all these methods is the production of large amounts of three-dimensional datasets. Due to their unusually high information content these datasets are scientifically highly valuable. So far no central repository for these extreme amounts of data is available. Here we propose to extend and modify Morph D Base, the central data repository of DFG SPP 1174, optimizing it for storing the metadata associated with volume data of biological objects as well as the original 3D-datasets.
The extended Morph D Base will be kept operational at the Museum Koenig Bonn even after this project is completed. Thus, the database will serve as a communication platform for researchers and the original volume data will be kept available to the scientific community. Reading access to the metadata via the internet will be entirely free, entering data will require a registration with the database system and access to the original data will be under the control of the person who submitted them to the repository. A standard for metadata describing three-dimensional data-sets of organisms will be continuously modified and developed in direct feedback with the users of the database. Information about the repository will be distributed in the scientific community through talks, posters and symposia at relevant conferences.
PD Dr. Thomas Hörnschemeyer Research assistant Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach-Institut für Zoologie & Anthropologie der Georg-August- Universität Göttingen Abteilung Morphologie & Systematik Berliner Str. 28, 37073 Göttingen Tel.: 0551/395566 Fax: 0551/395579 E-mail: thoerns[at]
Dr. Lars Vogt Research assistant Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, Fachgruppe Biologie, Institute for Evolution- ary Biology and Zoo-Ecology An der Immenburg 1, D-53121 Bonn Tel.: 0228/73 51 22 Fax: 0228/73 51 29 Email: lars.m.vogt[at]
Prof. Dr. Hannelore Hoch Professor of Systematic Zoology Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin AG Biosystematik Invalidenstr. 43, D-10115 Berlin Tel.: 030/20938519 Fax: 030/2093-8655 E-mail: hannelore.hoch[at]
Prof. Dr. Rolf Georg Beutel Professor Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Institut für spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie mit Phyletischem Museum Erbertstr. 1, 07743 Jena Tel.: 03641/949153 Fax: 03641/949142 E-mail: b5bero[at]