The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association

Expedition around the world

Das Museum kennenlernen

In this project children and adolescents become museum experts and learn how to manage a guided tour through the exhibitions.

Führungen selbst gestalten

The participants visited the museum once a week for half a year and learned what museum education is all about.
They chose their own special exhibit and learned how to give a guided tour themselves.
Visitors can convince themselves of their expertise by listening to the audioguide.

Cooperation partners:
Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendforum der Lukaskirchengemeinde, Bonn
Städtische Jugendzentrum „das flax“, Bonn
Jugendzentrum St. Cassius/Heimstatt e.V., Bonn
Kleiner Muck e.V, Bonn
Haus Käthe Stein, Bonn
Jugendzentrum Offene Tür Haus Michael, Bonn
sk stiftung jugend und medien der Sparkasse KölnBonn


Contact person

+49 228 9122-224
+49 228 9122-6213
e.stoye [at]

Von uns für uns - Museum macht stark!