Staff Council
The staff council at the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change consists of seven members. We attempt to fulfil the increasing amount of various obligations to the best of our knowledge. That's not always easy - no member of the staff council is released from his/ her official duties. All tasks of a staff council have to be accomplished in addition to or even - if necessary - instead of our main functions.
The rights and obligations of a staff council are legally fixed in the Landespersonalvertretungsgesetz NRW-Westfalen (LPVG NW).
Our regular meetings take place fortnightly. Operative resolutions can only be approved during the meetings.
Besides these regular meetings we are open for talks at any time during office hours.
Email: personalrat [at] leibniz-lib.de sowie über die Mitglieder:
Mitglieder des Personalrats (Status Juli 2021):
Hans-Joachim Krammer, Chair, ☏ 0228 9122-298
Katja Waskow (1st deputy), ☏ 0228 9122-381
Elmar Nicot (2nd deputy), ☏ 0228 9122-278
Yvonne Evertz (3rd deputy), ☏ 0228 9122-306
Ricarda Wistuba, ☏ 0228 9122-268
Christoph Mayer, ☏ 0228 9122-403
Timo Hartmann, ☏ 0228 9122-274