The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association

Window to nature: MuseobilBox-dioramas

Zu Besuch in der Präparations-Werkstatt
Das Leben des Alexander Koenig

The aim of the project is to inspire a lifelong interest in museums in children from an educationally disadvantaged background. Through their experiences, the children discover that a museum is an exciting place to learn – not only during the project but also in the future.
During the projects first realization children from the OGS Paulusschule visited the museum for twelve afternoons over the course of three months and worked on their cultural, presentation, creative and communication skills. They learned about the tasks of a museum (collecting, conservation, research and teaching) and had the chance to accompany scientists and get to know their daily routines.
During the second part of the project the children built their own dioramas. Their artwork, the designed MuseobilBOXes, was presented to the public in an exhibition.
The concept of the MuseobilBOX: Museum zum Selbermachen was developed by the Bundesverband für Museumspädagogik e. V. and financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the context of their funding guideline Kultur macht stark.

OGS "An der Düne", Bonn
OGS Nordschule, Bonn


Opening of the exhibition



Contact person

+49 228 9122-224
+49 228 9122-6213
e.stoye [at]
