Since 2003, the externally filled senate of the Leibniz community evaluates the Leibniz institutes. The "Wissenschaftsrat"(Scientific Council) had developed a respective proposal in its statement of November, 2002, regarding the systematic evaluation of the "Blaue Liste" (Blue List).
The decision of the "Bund-Länder-Kommission" (BLK, commission of the federal government and the federal states of Germany) for educational planning and promotion of research, whether an institution of the WGL is worth being funded, relies normally on the reports of the senate. The committee for promotion of research of the BLK opens a respective checking at least every seventh year.
The "Wissenschaftliche Beirat" (Scientific Advisory Board) of the ZFMK has the responsibility of critically accompanying and promoting the scientific activities and developments of the institution. It meets this task by delivering an opinion on the basis of the documents made available by the museum - as a rule once a year - in which also recommendations on the further development of the institute and on the consideration of desirable aspects are given.