The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association

Computational Genomics





Next generation sequencing techniques, phylogenomics and molecular taxonomy are generating unprecedented amounts of data which challenge concepts of data analyses and storage.

Within the zmb we are trying to face these challenges by developing new algorithms, software, the establishment of a high performance computing (HPC) LINUX cluster, and adequate archiving systems.

Within the ZFMK the IT, the bioinformatics, and the biodiversity informatics sections are closely working together to achieve an international standard of scientific output and performance.

The bioinformatics section of the zmb is deeply involved in the 1KITE and i5k initiatives and provides newly developed analyses pipelines for this initative.

Additionally, it provides bioinformatics expertise to scientists of the zmb. Currently, a bioinformatician (Dr. Alexander Donath) and a mathematician (Dr. Christoph Mayer) are working in the bioinformatics section.

The section cooperates with the HITS institute in Heidelberg, the BGI in China, and the department of bioinformatics at the University of Leipzig.


Contact person

Head of Section
Head of HPC units
+49 228 9122-344
+49 228 9122-295
a.donath [at]