The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association

The millipedes of India - a first species list



Quick facts

Project title: 
The millipedes of India - a first species list
ZFMK Project lead: 
Object of research: 
Indien, Myriapoda, Diplopoda, Millipedes, Millipedes


The millipede fauna of India, one of the largest countries of the world, is diverse but still little known. After the Indian independence in 1947, only few species were described from the country. One of the things hampering any progress in the inventory of the Indian millipede fauna is the absence of any species list from the country. If it is unknown which species were already described and recorded from India, it will be difficult to record and describe new species from the country. In the course of this project, all avaialble data and records of millipedes in India will be compiled from the literature spanning the years 1758 - 2016. This work is conducted in close cooperation with Dr. Sergei Golovatch from the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Contact person

Head of Section Myriapoda
Responsible Editor Bonn zoological Bulletin - Supplementum
+49 228 9122-425
+49 228 9122-212
t.wesener [at]