FASconCAT is a user-friendly software that concatenates rapidly different kinds of sequence data into one supermatrix file. FASconCAT is easy to use and not limited in number of input files or input sequences. The software reads several input formats, considers structure information, provides several output formats and optionally complete setup blocks at once, e.g. for analyses in MrBayes. It facilitates data handling, it is time saving in generating data matrices and in converting file formats and delivers many useful additional information about the input sequences.
Schematic overview of FASconCAT. (A) Three input files with different format. (B) Nucleotide alignments with a structure string are concatenated into a supermatrix.
FASconCAT is implemented in Perl and runs on Windows PCs, Mac OS and Linux operating systems. It can be used via command line or by terminal menu options.
The actual version of FASconCAT and the corresponding manual can be downloaded from GitHub: