• since 2011 Organismic Biology, Evolutionary Biology and Palaeobiology (OEP Msc) studies at the University of Bonn
• 2007/2011 Biology studies (Bsc) at the University of Bonn; Bachelor-thesis at the Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Zoology and Behavioural Ecology; main focus: Ecology and Behavioural Ecology
• 2006/2007 Social voluntary work at the German Red Cross
• 2006 Abitur at the Montessori school of Cologne
Studies abroad
• 04.2014/07.2014 Fieldwork, WRON project, Okomitundu, Namibia
• 08.2013/09.2013 Geo-ecological excursion, Alberta and British Columbia, Canada
• 05.2012 Ecological excursion, Banyuls sur mer, France
• 03.2012 Ecological excursion, Concarneau, France
• 03.2010 Ecological excursion, Roscoff, France