Quick facts
Project title:
Herpetofaunistic composition of the Estação Ecológica Estadual Wenceslau Guimarães, south of Bahia, Brazil
Object of research:
Amphibians, Reptiles, Atlantic Forest, Southern Bahia
Project start: 2017 - Master Thesis
The objective of this work is to provide a commented list on the herpetofauna of Estação Ecológica Estadual Wenceslau Guimarães, municipality of Wenceslau Guimarães, southern Bahia, Brazil. This Conservation Unit is located in the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest and has an area of 2,418 hectares. The inventory of amphibians and reptiles was carried out during the months of April, May and August 2018, totaling 35 days of sampling through active visual and acoustic search in 32 transects arranged inside the forest, search in reproductive sites (lotic and lentic environments), and opportunistic encounters. In addition to the list of species, data from previous studies conducted in the reserve were used. A total of 70 species of herpetofauna were recorded, 47 of which were anurans and 23 reptiles. For anurans, 11 families were found: Aromobatidae (01), Brachycephalidae (02), Bufonidae (03), Centrolenidae (02), Craugastoridae (07), Eleutherodactylidae (04), Hemiphractidae (02), Hylidae (19), Leptodactylidae (03), Odontophrynidae (01) and Phyllomedusidae (03). The reptiles are represented by the orders Testudines with only one species of the family Testudinidae (01) and Squamata with seven families distributed in the groups of lizards and snakes. The families found in lizards were five: Dactyloidae (02), Gekkonidae (01), Gymnophthalmidae (02) Leiosauridae (01) and Teiidae (01). Snakes are presented in two families: Viperidae (04) and Dipsadidae (11). According to the lists of threatened species for Brazil and the state of Bahia, Gastrotheca recava, Phyllodytes cf. maculosus and Phyllodytes melanomystax are classified as "deficient in data" (DD) and Leposoma annectans and Bothrops bilineatus as "vulnerable" (VU). Ischnocnema verrucosa, Vitreorana eurygnatha, Phasmahyla timbo, Leposoma sinepollex, Bothrops pirajai and Oxyrhopus formosus are cited as "In Danger" (EN) and Proceratophrys sanctaritae as critically threatened (CR). We recorded a high diversity of amphibians and reptiles in the Estação Ecológica Estadual Wenceslau Guimarães, including endangered species and others that may represent species not yet described for science. These data emphasize the important role that the study area plays in the conservation of the herpetofauna of the Atlantic Forest of Bahia.
Keywords: Atlantic Forest, inventory, commented list, amphibians, reptiles.