The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association


Presenting WILD LIFE PORTRAITS by Sascha and Ingo Maas


21.03.2019 to 03.05.2019
Type of exhibition: 
Art exhibition

The artist couple Sascha and Ingo Maas capture wild animals and unspoilt landscapes in their "Wild Life Portraits". In addition to domestic and exotic wild animals, birds of prey and dogs, the two artists also "portray" woods and plants that they have found in the forests of Europe and the steppes and bush landscapes of Africa. Cats of prey, kudus and wildebeests, gnarled pieces of wood, soft grasses and opulent legumes of the savannah become protagonists just as much as animals of our native forests - red deer, mouflons, roe deer or ibex, depicted in moments of immediate authenticity. The result is unique animal portraits and sculptural plant representations with great expressiveness.

Also remarkable is the collaborative development process of their art. The two artists work in separate studios, between which each painting is passed back and forth several times.

Right from the start, the two artists are in a lively and constant exchange and each reworks the traces of the other, layer by layer. Each follows his own technique: Ingo Maas draws the plant motifs and naturalistic portraits. Sascha Maas on the other hand creates the abstract backgrounds and foregrounds full of expressive structures. With their works, they expand the culturally and historically so old subject of animal and plant representation by a contemporary component.

Both artists live and work in Bad Honnef and have already shown their works in numerous solo exhibitions and at trade fairs. In addition to their free themes they also take on commissioned works.




Contact person

Head of Exhibition Department
+49 228 9122-226
+49 228 9122-212
t.gerken [at]

Press relations

Alexandra Hostert

Tel.: +49 (0)228 9122 215
Fax: +49 (0)228 9122 212
E-Mail: a.hostert [at]

Ihr Anteil am Bonner Regenwald!

Das Künstlerpaar spendet 20% der Verkaufserlöse von Werken der Ausstellung WILDLIFE
der Alexander-Koenig-Gesellschaft e.V. für die Regenwald-Ausstellung im Museum Koenig.

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