With a length of eight metres, the original fossil of the Plateosaur XL is the largest dinosaur find from Switzerland and, as the original long-necked dinosaur, is already on its way to gigantism.
Der Diplodocus H.Q.1 stammt aus der legendären Fundstelle Howe Quarry, in der 1934 bereits über 4.000 Sauropoden-Knochen ausgegraben wurden.
The Diplodocus H.Q.1 comes from the legendary site of Howe Quarry, where over 4,000 sauropod bones were excavated in 1934.
The Allosaurus BIG AL TWO is one of the most complete Allosaurus skeletons ever recovered worldwide. You can see the many bone fractures that have occurred to BIG AL TWO during its lifetime.
At 27 metres, the skeleton of Apatosaurus ARAPAHOE is the largest original skeleton in Europe and the longest highlight of the exhibition.