The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association

Publications of the ZFMK staff


Stange, M., Aguirre-Fernández, G., Salzburger, W., Sánchez-Villagra, M.R. (2018): Study of morphological variation of northern Neotropical Ariidae reveals conservatism despite macrohabitat transitions. BMC Evol Biol 18, 38 (2018).
Stange, M., Núñez-León, D., Sánchez-Villagra, M. R., Jensen, P., & Wilson, L. A. B. (2018): Morphological variation under domestication: how variable are chickens? Royal Society Open Science, 5(8), 180993.
Stange, M., Sánchez-Villagra, M. R., Salzburger, W., & Matschiner, M. (2018): Bayesian Divergence-Time Estimation with Genome-Wide Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Data of Sea Catfishes (Ariidae) Supports Miocene Closure of the Panamanian Isthmus, Systematic Biology, Volume 67, Issue 4, 681–699,
Stüben, P. E., Schütte, A. (2018): Revision of the genus Caulotrupis from the Macaronesian Islands (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cossoninae). - Snudebiller - Studies on taxonomy, biology and ecology of Curculionoidea 19 (272): 1–38.
Wesener T, Moritz L (2018): Checklist of the Myriapoda in Cretaceous Burmese amber and a correction of the Myriapoda identified by Zhang (2017). Check List 14 (6): 1131–1140.
Thormann B., Ahrens D., Espinosa, C.I., Armijos D.M., Wagner T., Wägele J.W. Peters M.K. (2018) Small-scale topography modulates elevational α-, β- and γ-diversity of Andean leaf beetles. Oecologia (2018) 187(1):181-189.
Tilahun, M., Birhane, E., Zenebe, E., Abrha, A. M. (2018): Climate Change, anthropogenic pressure and habitat suitability for African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) in Kefta Humera, Tigray, Ethiopia. - Journal of the Drylands 8: 765-775.
Töpfer, T. (2018): Morphological variation in birds: plasticity, adaptation, and speciation. - In: Tietze (ed.): Bird Species. How They Arise, Modify and Vanish. Springer (Cham). pp. 63-74.
Trieb, F., Gerz, T., Geiger, M.F. (2018): Modellanalyse liefert Hinweise auf Verluste von Fluginsekten in Windparks.- et - Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen November 2018.
Tschan, G. F. (2018): Invasiva arter och transportinfrastruktur: en internationell kunskapsöversikt med fokus på vägar och växter. - VTI rapport 905: 1-75.
Turan, D., Kaya, C., Geiger, M., Freyhof, J. (2018): Barbus anatolicus, a new barbel from the Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak River drainages in northern Anatolia (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).- Zootaxa 4461 (4): 539-557.
Twining, J. P., Koch, A. (2018): Dietary notes and foraging ecology of south-east Asian water Monitors (Varanus salvator) in Sabah, northern Borneo, Malaysia. - The Herpetological Bulletin 143: 31 - 33.
Vamberger, M., Hofmeyr, M. D., Ihlow, F., Fritz, U. (2018): In quest of contact: phylogeography of helmeted terrapins (Pelomedusa galeata, P. subrufa sensu stricto). - PeerJ 6:e4901; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4901
Elbrecht V, Vamos EE, Steinke D, Leese F. 2018. Estimating intraspecific genetic diversity from community DNA metabarcoding data. PeerJ 6:e4644
Elbrecht, V., & Steinke, D. (2018). Scaling up DNA metabarcoding for freshwater macrozoobenthos monitoring. Freshwater Biology.
Vogel, G., David, P., Reza, F. (2018): A Contribution to the Systematics of the Indonesian Snake Genus Elapoidis Boie, 1827 (Squamata: Colubridae). - Russian Journal of Herpetology 25(2): 2018: 113-120.
Vogt L., Baum R., Köhler C., Meid S., Quast B., Grobe P. (2019) Using Semantic Programming for Developing a Web Content Management System for Semantic Phenotype Data. In: Auer S., Vidal ME. (eds) Data Integration in the Life Sciences. DILS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11371. Springer, Cham
Vogt, L., Baum, R., Köhler, C., Meid, S., Quast, B., Grobe, P. (2018): Using Semantic Programming for Developing a Web Content Management System for Semantic Phenotype Data
Vondráček D., Fuchsová A., Ahrens D., Král D., Šípek P. (2018) Phylogeography and DNA-based species delimitation provide insight into the taxonomy of the polymorphic rose chafer Protaetia (Potosia) cuprea species complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) in the Western Palearctic. PlosOne 13(2): e0192349.
Biologie in unserer Zeit 6: 347.


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