Publications of the ZFMK staff
Hutterer, R., Töpfer, T. (2019): Dioramas of marine bird colonies: history, design and educational importance. - In: Scheersoi, A., Tunnicliffe, S.D. (eds.): Natural history dioramas - Traditional exhibits for current educational themes - science educational aspects. - Springer (Cham). pp. 69-87.
Thormann, Jana, Dirk Ahrens, Cort Anderson, Jonas J. Astrin, Levan Mumladze, Björn Rulik, David Tarkhnishvili, Marianne Espeland, Matthias Geiger, Nils Hein, Giorgi Iankoshvili, Elisabeth Karalashvili, Ximo Mengual, Carsten Morkel, Marco T. Neiber, Ralph S. Peters, André Reimann, Axel Ssymank, Thomas Wesener, Joachim Ziegler & Bernhard Misof (2019): A prelude to the Caucasus Barcode of Life Platform (CaBOL): Biodiversity Days in Georgia in 2018 and 2019. – Bonn zoological Bulletin 68 (2): 275–296.
Jensen, T. J., Auliya, M., Burgess, N. D., Aust, P. W., Pertoldi, C., Strand, J. (2019): Exploring the international trade in African snakes not listed on CITES: highlighting the role of the internet and social media. - Biodiversity and Conservation,
Jentke, T., Decher, J. (2019): Bericht aus der Fledermaus Beringungszentale Bonn. - Nyctalus (N.F.) Berlin 19.
Jiménez-Bolaño, J. D., Montes-Correa, A. C., Polo-Córdoba, F., Linares-Vargas, K., Vergara-Gil, D., Barrio-Amorós, C. L., Koch, C. (2019): Acoustic repertory of the “Colostethus” ruthveni group (Anura: Dendrobatidae) and comments on the distribution in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. - Salamandra 55(1): 27–38.
Kapheim, K. M., Pan, H., Li, C., Blatti, C., Harpur, B. A., Ioannidis, P., Jones, B. M., Kent, C. F., Ruzzante, L., Sloofman, L., Stolle, E., Waterhouse, R. M., Zayed, A., Zhang, G., Wcislo, W. T. (2019): Draft genome assembly and population genetics of an agricultural pollinator, the solitary alkali bee (Halictidae: Nomia melanderi). G3, 9(3): 625–634.
Kawahara A.Y., Plotkin D., Espeland M., Meusemann K., Toussaint E.F.A., Donath A., Gimnich F., Frandsen P.B., Zwick A., Dos Reis M., Barber J.R., Peters R.S., Liu S., Zhou X., Mayer C., Podsiadlowski L., Storer C., Yack J.E., Misof B., Breinholt J.W. (2019) Phylogenomics reveals the evolutionary timing and pattern of butterflies and moths. Proceedings of the National Acedemy of Sciences. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1907847116
Koch, A., Eidenmüller, B. (2019): Is the New Guinea Emerald Tree Monitor Lizard (Varanus prasinus) Native to Mainland Australia? - Biawak 13(1): 32–42.
Koch, C., Martins, A., Schweiger, S. (2019): A century of waiting: description of a new Epictia Gray, 1845 (Serpentes: Leptotyphlopidae) based on specimens housed for more than 100 years in the collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna (NMW). - PeerJ 7:e7411
Koppetsch, T., Böhme, W. (2019): Ein Fall von intrasexuellem Kannibalismus bei Weibchen der Europäischen Gottesanbeterin Mantis religiosa, Linnaeus, 1758 (Mantodea: Mantidae). - Entomologische Zeitschrift 129 (1): 3-6.
Koppetsch, T., Böhme, W., Koch, A. (2019): A new species of Dibamus Duméril & Bibron, 1839 (Squamata: Dibamidae) from Pulau Manado Tua, Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia. - Zootaxa 4555 (3): 331–345;
Kraemer, J., Hadiaty, R.K., Herder, F. (2019) Nomorhamphus versicolor, a new species of blunt-nosed halfbeak from a tributary of the Palu River, Sulawesi Tengah (Teleostei: Zenarchopteridae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters IEF-1105
Kraemer, J., Thieme, P., Hadiaty, R.K., Herder, F. (2019) Structure of the andropodium of the viviparous halfbeak genus Nomorhamphus (Atherinomorpha: Beloniformes: Zenarchopteridae), endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 67: 247–259 DOI: 10.26107/RBZ-2019-0019
Krehenwinkel, H., Meese, S., Mayer, C., Ruch, J., Schneider, J., Bilde, T., Künzel, S., Henderson, J.B., Russack, J., Simison, W.B., Gillespie, R., Uhl, G., 2019. Cost effective microsatellite isolation and genotyping by high throughput sequencing. arac 47, 190–201.
LAETZ, E.M.J., WÄGELE, H. (2019): Comparing amylose production in two solar-powered sea slugs: the sister taxa Elysia timida and Elysia cornigera (Heterobranchia: Sacoglossa). Journal of Molluscan Studies 85(1): 166–171
Lambertz, M., Klein, W. (2019): Functional morphology and ventilatory implications of the intracoelomic organization of three-toed sloths. - Mammalian Biology 97, July 2019: 36-40;
Lawson, J. M., Pollom, R. A., Gordon, C. A., Barker, J., Meyers, E. K. M., Zidowitz, H., Ellis, J. R., et al. (2019): Extinction risk and conservation of critically endangered angel sharks in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. – ICES Journal of Marine Science; doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz222
Leidenberger S., Jonsson A., Bourlat S.J. (2019). End biodiversity loss through improved tracking of marine threatened invertebrates. 8th International Barcode of Life Conference 2019, June 17-20, 2019.
Hilgers L., Schwarzer J. (2019): The Natural History of Model Organisms: The untapped potential of medaka and its wild relatives. eLife 8: e46994.
Lindenmeier, M., Schmidt-Loske, K. (2019): Der steinige Weg einer Frau in die Wissenschaft - Maria Gräfin von Linden. - In: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig (eds.): Objektwelten als Kosmos, Katalog zur Sonderausstellung. - Print Alliance HAV Produktions GmbH (Bad Vöslau). pp. 168-169.