Publications of the ZFMK staff
Wägele, J. W., Bodesheim, P., Bourlat, S. J., Denzler, J., Diepenbroek, M., Fonseca, V., Frommolt, K.-H., Geiger, M. F., Gemeinholzer, B., Glöckner, F. O., Haucke, T., Kirse, A., Kölpin, A., Kostadinov, I., Kühl, H. S., Kurth, F., Lasseck, M., Liedke, S., Losch, F., Müller, S., Petrovskaya, N., Piotrowski, K., Radig, B., Scherber, C., Schoppmann, L., Schulz, J., Steinhage, V., Tschan, G. F., Vautz, W., Velotto, D., Weigend, M., Wildermann, S. (2022): Towards a multisensor station for automated biodiversity monitoring. - Basic and Applied Ecology 59: 105-138.
Wegewitz, V., Muster, C., & Astrin, J. J. (2022). Infection with mermithid nematodes causes the depriesteri morphology in Philodromus collinus (Araneae: Philodromidae). - Arachnologische Mitteilungen: Arachnology Letters, 64(1), 25-28.
Wehner, A., Hein, N., Beckers, N., Dobbert, S., Pape, R., & Löffler, J. (2022). Early snow melt and diverging thermal constraints control body size in arctic–alpine spiders. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
Wichard, W., Espeland, M. (2022): The family Cretapsychidae (Insecta, Trichoptera) from mid- Cretaceous Burmese amber, with descriptions of two new species. European Journal of Taxonomy, 833: 1-11
Yanchukov, A., Tarkhnishvili, D., Erdolu, M., Şahin, M. K., Candan, K., Murtskhvaladze, M., Gabelaia, M., et al. (2022): Precise paternal ancestry of hybrid unisexual ZW lizards (genus Darevskia: Lacertidae: Squamata) revealed by Z-linked genomic markers. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, blac023;
The lipidome of an omnivorous insect responds to diet composition and social environment.
Yeisson Gutiérrez, Marion Fresch, Christoph Scherber, Jens Brockmeyer
Ecology and Evolution. 2022;12:e9497.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9497
Zhao, Y., Hu, L., Wesener, T. & Liu, W. (2022): Five new species of the giant pill-millipedes of the genera Zephronia and Sphaerobelum, from China (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida: Zephroniidae). - Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.).
Ziegler, T., Kamphausen, J., Glaw, F., Crottini, A., Garcia, G., Rödder, D., Rauhaus, A., et al. (2022): Threatened Malagasy amphibians and reptiles in zoos – a call for enhanced implementation of the IUCN’s One Plan Approach. - Der Zoologische Garten N.F. 90 (2022): 21-69; doi:10.53188/zg002
Zizka, V.M.A., Koschorreck, J., Khan, C.C., Astrin, J.J. (2022): Long-term archival of environmental samples empowers biodiversity monitoring and ecological research. - Environmental Sciences Europe 34, 40.
Zizka, V. M., Geiger, M. F., Hörren, T., Kirse, A., Noll, N. W., Schäffler, L., Scherges, A. M., Sorg, M. (2022): Repeated subsamples during DNA extraction reveal increased diversity estimates in DNA metabarcoding of Malaise traps. - Ecology and Evolution, 12(11), e9502.
Decher, J., I. Bakarr, A. Hoffmann, T. Jentke, A. N. Klappert, G. Kowalski, K. Kuzdrowska, B. Malinowska & L. Rychlik. (2021). Aktualisierung unserer Kenntnisse über die Kleinsäugergemeinschaften im Nationalpark Unteres Odertal. Nationalpark-Jahrbuch Unteres Odertal 18:145-150.
Bandyan S, Peters RS, Kadir N, Ferrer-Suay M, Kirchner W (2021) A survey of aphid parasitoids and hyperparasitoids (Hymenoptera) on six crops in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 9-21.
Larissa Raatz, Karin Pirhofer Walzl, Marina E. H. Müller, Christoph Scherber, Jasmin Joshi (2021). Who is the culprit: Is pest infestation responsible for crop yield losses close to semi- natural habitats?
Ecology and Evolution, 11, 13232-13246.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8046
Ahrens, D., Liu, W.G., Fabrizi, S., Bai, M. (2021): On the taxonomy of the Trioserica Moser, 1922 species of China (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Sericini).- Zootaxa 4999 (4): 343–355.
Pennards, G. W. A., Aracil, A., Barkalov, A., Mazanek, L., Mengual, X., Popov, G., Pérez, C., Rojo, S. (2021): Pseudopelecocera latifrons. - The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T149164854A149164857.
Scherber, C., T. Beduschi and T. Tscharntke (2021). A Grid-Based Sampling Approach to Insect Biodiversity Monitoring in Agricultural Landscapes. Exploring and Optimizing Agricultural Landscapes. L. Mueller, V. G. Sychev, N. M. Dronin and F. Eulenstein. Cham, Springer International Publishing: 415-424.
Dittrich, K., Wipfler B. (2021): A review of the hexapod tracheal system with a focus on the apterygote groups. Arthropod Structure & Development, 63: 101072
Bruce K, Blackman R, Bourlat SJ, Hellstrom AM, Bakker J, Bista I, Bohmann K, Bouchez A, Brys R, Clark K, Elbrecht V, Fazi S, Fonseca V, Hänfling B, Leese F, Mächler E, Mahon AR, Meissner K, Panksep K, Pawlowski J, Schmidt Yáñez P, Seymour M, Thalinger B, Valentini A, Woodcock P, Traugott M, Vasselon V, Deiner K (2021) A practical guide to DNA-based methods for biodiversity assessment. Advanced Books.
Kehlmaier, C., Drews, F., Grossmann, A., Grundmann, B., Heiss, R., Jentzsch, M., Kampen, H., Kuhlisch, C., Lindenmeier, M., Meissner, B., Mengual, X., Pont, A. C., Reimann, A., Ssymank, A., Weele, R. V. d., Werner, D., & Ziegler, J. (2021): Nachweise von Zweiflüglern (Diptera) während der 36. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Diptera 2019 in Tuttlingen-Möhringen (Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland) [Records of two-winged flies (Diptera) at the 36th meeting of the German Diptera Working Group in Tuttlingen-Möhringen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany)]. - Studia dipterologia, 24(1): 73-90.
Berghuijs H. N. C., Weih M., van der Werf W., Karley A. J., Adam E., Villegas-Fernández Á. M., Kiær L. P., Newton A. C., Scherber C., Tavoletti S., Vico G. (2021) Calibrating and testing APSIM for wheat-faba bean pure cultures and intercrops across Europe. Field Crops Research 264