The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association

Publications of the ZFMK staff


Tinoco, N., Koch, C., Colmenares-Pinzón, J. E., Castellanos, F. X., Brito, J. (2023): New species of the Spiny Mouse genus Neacomys (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) from northwestern Ecuador. - ZooKeys 1175: 187–221;
Töpfer, T., Franken, C., Rohland, H., Hutterer, R., Erdenebat; U., Batbayar, T. (2023): A Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus from a Uyghurian well in Karabalgasun (Ordu-Baliq), Central Mongolia. – Journal of Global Archaeology 2023/6: 138-161.
Tschan, G. F. (2023): Zu einigen Aspekten der Geologie und Paläontologie von Quedlinburg und Umgebung. - In: Wozniak, T., Bley, C. (eds): 1100 Jahre Quedlinburg. Geschichte – Kultur – Welterbe. - Michael Imhof Verlag (Petersberg bei Fulda): pp. 22-31.
Vontzou, N.*, Pei, Y.*, Mueller, J. C., Reifová, R., Ruiz-Ruano, F. J., Schlebusch, S. A., Suh, A. (2023) Songbird germline-restricted chromosome as a potential arena of genetic conflicts. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 83:102113.
Webster, M.T. , Beaurepaire, A., Neumann, P., Stolle, E. (2023): Population genomics for insect conservation. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 11: 115-140.
Wesener, T. (2023): Madagascarhinus, a new genus of the family Siphonorhinidae with two new species from Madagascar (Diplopoda, Siphonophorida). - Zootaxa 5278 (1): 163-175.
Wesener, T.; Moritz, L.; Akkari, N. (2023): Integrative redescription of the sucking millipede genus Dawydoffia Attems, 1953, with a description of a new species and a transfer to the family Hirudisomatidae (Diplopoda, Polyzoniida). Zootaxa, 5263 (3): 411–429.
Williams, J. W., Taylor, A., Provete, D. B., Correia, R., Guedes, T. B., Farooq, H., Li, Q., ... , Liz, A. V., et al. (2023). Shifts to open access with high article processing charges hinder research equity and careers. - Journal of Biogeography 50(9): 1485-1489.
Wüster, W., Kaiser, H. (2023): Bungled Bungarus: lessons from a venomous snake complex illustrate why taxonomic decisions belong in taxonomy-competent journals. - Zootaxa 5297 (1): 139–143;
Yousefi, M., Yousefkhani, S. H., Grünig, M., Kafash, A., Rajabizadeh, M., Rastegar Pouyani, E. (2023): Identifying high snakebite risk area under climate change for community education and antivenom distribution. - Nature, Scientific Reports (2023) 13: 8191;
Zucchetti, V. M., Rojas-Padilla, O., Dias, I. R., Solé, M., Orrico, V. G. D., Castroviejo-Fisher, S. (2023): An elusive giant: A new species of Vitreorana Guayasamin et al., 2009 (Anura: Centrolenidae) from the northern Atlantic Forest with an osteological description and comments on integumentary spicules. - Zootaxa 5249 (3): 301–334;


Medeiros, H. R., Martello, F., Metzger, J. P., Harper, K. A., Mengual, X., Righi, C. A., Ribeiro, M. C. (2022): Landscape composition regulates the spillover of beneficial insects between forest remnants and adjacent coffee plantations. - Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 20: 111-116.
Mengual, X. (2022): New species of Myolepta Newman, 1838 (Diptera, Syrphidae) from the Indomalayan Realm. European Journal of Taxonomy 833(1): 97-120.
Burks R, Mitroiu M-D, Fusu L, Heraty JM, Janšta P, Heydon S, Papilloud ND-S, Peters RS, Tselikh EV, Woolley JB, van Noort S, Baur H, Cruaud A, Darling C, Haas M, Hanson P, Krogmann L, Rasplus J-Y (2022) From hell’s heart I stab at thee! A determined approach towards a monophyletic Pteromalidae and reclassification of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 94: 13-88.
Schmidt-Loske, K. , Etheridge, K. (in press): The Transition Stage. Merian's Studies of Pupa, Chrysalis, and Cocoon. - In: Etheridge, K., Pieters, F., van Delft, M., van de Roemer, B., Mulder, H. (eds.): Maria Sibylla Merian: CHanging the Nature of Art and Science. Lannoo Publishers (Tielt). pp. 98-110.
Gassmann, D. (2022): Die Echse aus der Glotze. - Science Notes - Das Magazin für Wissen und Gesellschaft 8: 26-27.
Moran, K.M., Skevington, J.H., Kelso, S., Mengual, X., Jordaens, K., Young, A.D., Ståhls, G., Mutin, V., Bot, S., van Zuijen, M., Ichige, K., van Steenis, J., Hauser, M., van Steenis, W. (2022): A multigene phylogeny of the eristaline flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae), with emphasis on the subtribe Criorhinina, - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 194: 120-135.
Wan N. F., Fu L., Dainese M., Hu Y. Q., Podenphant Kiaer L., Isbell F., Scherber C. (2022) Plant genetic diversity affects multiple trophic levels and trophic interactions. Nature Communications 13:7312.
Jaume-Schinkel, S., Fahldieck, M. (2022): ¿Qué son las típulas? Aclarando mitos. - Mundo Artrópodo 11: 26-33.
Sankararaman, H., Anooj, S. S., Mengual, X. (2022): Review of Indian species of Monoceromyia Shannon (Diptera: Syrphidae) with description of two new species. - Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 25(1): 101820.


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