The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association

Publications of the ZFMK staff


ELZEN, R. VAN DEN (2010) Type specimens in the bird collections of the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn. Bonn zoological Bulletin, Bonn 59: 29-77.
ELZEN, R. VAN DEN, HUTTERER, R. (2010) Bird relief pictures - rare archival materials bridging arts, books and collections. Proceedings of the 5th International Meeting of European Bird Curators, Vienna: 273-288.
ESSER, S. (2010) Ein dankbarer Pflegling: Die Omaneidechse Omanosaura jayakari, ihre Haltung und Nachzucht. Terraria 22: 56-63
ESSER, S. (2010) Haltung und Zucht einer gekrönten Schönheit: die Diademnatter (Spalerosophis diadema). Terraria 25: 50-56.
FIRMAT, C., GOMES RODRIGUES, H., RENAUD, S., CLAUDE, J., HUTTERER, R., GARCIA-TALAVERA, F., MICHAUD, J. (2010) Mandible morphology, dental microwear, and diet of the extinct giant rats (Canariomys, Rodentia: Murinae) of the Canary Islands (Spain). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 101: 28-40.
Frede, M., Schweineberg, S., Gießing, B., Hubatsch, D., Hubatsch, M., Möller, E., Schnitzler, P., Stiels, D. & Weindorf, H. 2010: Bemerkenswerte Vögel in Nordrhein-Westfalen im Jahr 2009. - Charadrius 46: 155-206.
Gassmann, D. (2010): Klimawandel und Biozönosen. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 743: 262-264.
Gassmann, D. (2010): Die große Verschiebung - was uns die Federlibellen über die Erdgeschichte lehren. Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 26: 53.
Gassmann, D. (2010): Duettsummen bei Gelbfiebermücken. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 741: 150-151.
Gassmann, D. (2010): Von Riesenratten und Zwergelefanten. ZOÓN Nr. 2/2010: 64-67.
Gassmann, D. (2010): Verlust der Fettsynthese bei parasitoiden Insekten. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 749: 587-588.
Gassmann, D. (2010): Jean-Henri Fabre: Erinnerungen eines Insektenforschers.- Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 750: 661-662.
Gerstmeier, R., and Eberle J. (2010) Revision of the Indo-Australian checkered beetle genus Xenorthrius Gorham, 1892 (Coleoptera: Cleridae, Clerinae). Zootaxa 2584:1–121.
GIBSON, J.D.*, NIEHUIS, O.*, VERRELLI, B.C., GADAU, J. (2010) Contrasting patterns of selective constraints in nuclear encoded genes of the oxidative phosphorylation pathway in holometabolous insects and their possible role in hybrid breakdown in Nasonia. Heredity 104: 310-317. (* both authors contributed equally)
GREVE, C., HUTTERER, R., GROH, K., HAASE, M., MISOF, B. (2010) Evolutionary diversification of the genus Theba (Gastropoda: Helicidae) in space and time: A land snail conquering islands and continents. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: 572-584.
HABEL, J. C., AUGENSTEIN, B., MEYER, M., NÈVE, G., RÖDDER, D., ASSMANN, T. (2010) Population Genetics and Ecological Niche Modelling Reveal High Fragmentation and Potential Future Extinction of the Endangered Relict Butterfly Lycaena helle. Pp. 417-440 In: HABEL, J. C., ASSMANN, T. (eds.): Surviving on a Changing Climate – Phylogeography and Conservation of Relict Species. Springer.
HAEUSER, C., DEGREEF, J. , EEKHOUT, X. , EYMANN, J. , MONJE, J.C., RIEDE, K. , VANDENSPIEGEL, D. , GOETHEM, J. VAN, SAMYN, Y. (2010) Background and aim of this journal. Bioacoustics approaches in biodiversity inventories. Abc Taxa, 8: 2-4.
HALLERMANN, J., NGUYEN, Q.T., ORLOV, N.L., ANANJEVA, N.B. (2010) A new species of the genus Pseudocalotes (Squamata: Agamidae) from Vietnam. Russian Journal of Herpetology 17(1): 31–40.
HÄNDELER, K., WÄGELE, H., WAHRMUND, U., RÜDINGER, M., KNOOP, V. (2010) Slugs’ last meals: Molecular identification of sequestered chloroplasts from different algal origins in Sacoglossa (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda). Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 968-978.
HARTMANN, T., NGUYEN, Q.T., OHLER, A., CHIPPICH, H., HANDSCHUH, M., BÖHME, W. (2010) Rediscovery of the rare Thai scincid lizard Sphenomorphus lineopunctulatus Taylor, 1962: New country records from Cambodia and Laos and a rediscription. Russian Journal of Herpetology, 17 (2): 105-109.


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