The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association

Publications of the ZFMK staff


REZAZADEH, E., TAJBAKHS, F., BURSEY, C.R., MOBEDI, I., KIABI, B.H., HEMMATI, F., AHMADZADEH, F. (2012) Helminth parasites of the Caucasian agama, Laudakia caucasia (Squamata: Agamidae) from Iran. Comparative Parasitology 79(1): 160-163.
RIEDE, K., JAHN, O., AND THE AMIBIO CONSORTIUM (2012) Automatic Acoustic Monitoring of Biodiversity (AmiBio). Poster presented at the Academic Advisory Board Audit – ZFMK, 28 September 2012, Zoological Research Museum A. Koenig, Bonn.
Riede, K., Jahn, O., Eschen, V. (2012): Recent ZFMK AmiBio outreach activities. AmiBio Newsletter 10: 3. Online at:
RÖSLER, H., INEICH, I., WILMS, T.M., BÖHME, W. (2012) Studies on the taxonomy of the Gekko vittatus Houttuyn, 1782 complex (Squamata: Gekkonidae). I. On the variability of G. vittatus Houttuyn, 1782 sensu lato, with the description of a new species from Palau Islands, Micronesia. Bonn zoological Bulletin, 61(2): 241-254.
SCHMIDT, A., RÖMER, H., RIEDE, K. (2012) Spectral niche segregation and community organization in a tropical cricket assemblage. Behavioral Ecology.
Schmidt-Loske, K. (2012): Dir Entwicklung der wissenschaftlichen Illustration in der Neuzeit. - In: Andratschke, T. u. Eichler, A. (eds.): Im Reich der Tiere - Streifzüge durch Kunst und Natur [Ausstellung vom 23. März - 12. August 2012, Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover]. - Wienand (Köln). pp. 110-118.
Schmidt-Loske, K. (2013): Biohistoricum - Museum und Forschungsarchiv für die Geschichte der Biologie. Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum A. Koenig, Jahresbericht 2012: 68-69.
Schmied, H., Stiels, D. (2012): Singdrosseln in Mitteleuropa – verläuft die Unterartgrenze durch das Rheinland? - Charadrius 48: 34-35.
Schuchmann, K.-L., Ganchev, T., Jahn, O., Lemm, L., Marques, M.I., Nunes, J., Schwalb, P., Weller, A.-A. (2012): Erfassung residenter und migratorischer Vogelarten im Pantanal Brasiliens. Pantanal - Drehscheibe des Vogelzugs zwischen den Hemisphären der Neuen Welt (1). Zum Fliegen geboren 30 (2): 3-5. Online at:
Schuchmann, K.-L., Ganchev, T., Jahn, O., Lemm, L., Marques, M.I., Nunes, J., Schwalb, P., Weller, A.-A. (2012): Erfassung residenter und migratorischer Vogelarten im Pantanal Brasiliens. Zum Fliegen geboren 30 (1): 3-10. Online at:
SCHULTE, U., HOCHKIRCH, A., LÖTTERS, S., RÖDDER, D., SCHWEIGER, S., WEIMANN, T., VEITH, M. (2012) Cryptic niche conservatism among evolutionary lineages of an invasive lizard. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 198–211.
SCHWARZER, J., MISOF, B., SCHLIEWEN, U.K. (2012) Speciation within genomic networks: a case study based on Steatocranus cichlids of the lower Congo rapids. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25(1):138-48.
SCHWARZER, J., SWARTZ, E.R., VREVEN, E., SNOEKS, J., COTTERILL, F.P.D., MISOF, B., SCHLIEWEN, U.K. (2012) Repeated trans-watershed hybridization among haplochromine cichlids (Cichlidae) was triggered by Neogene landscape evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1746), 4389-4398.
SHERGALIN, E., MATROZIS, R. (2012) Nikolay Lazuk (1940-1999) - Born in USSR, a taxidermist in Zoological Museum of Alexander Koenig in Bonn. Baikal Zoological Magazine 2(10): 126-128 (in Russian).
Shrestha, J., Eberle, J., Ahrens, D. (2012) Further data on the distribution of Himalayan Sericini from the collection of Naturel History Museum Erfurt (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) with description of a new Xenoserica from West-Nepal. Vernate 31: 379-386.
SOMMA, M., KOCH, A. (2012) New morphological and distributional data of Varanus rainerguentheri Ziegler, Böhme & Schmitz, 2007 (Squamata: Varanidae), an endemic and little-known monitor lizard species of the Moluccas, Indonesia. Salamandra, 48: 207-212.
STAUDT, K., BÖHME, W., BAUMGARTNER, W. (2012) Comparative investigations of the sandfish’s beta-keratin (Reptilia: Scincidae: Scincus scincus). Part 2: Glycan-based friction reduction. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering 16: 1-9
STAUDT, K., SAJAE, F.P.M., SCHMIED, H., SOEUR, R., BÖHME, W., BAUMGARTNER, W. (2012) Comparative investigations of the sandfish’s beta-keratin (Reptilia: Scincidae: Scincus scincus) Part 1: Surface and molecular examinations. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 15: 1-16.
STEINBERG, S. (2012) Das Erbe der Enterbten. Rudolf Böhmer (1875-1944) und das Verhältnis der kolonialen Eliten zur nationalsozialistischen Raumideologie. S. 199-231 in: Meißner, M., Nebelin, K., Nebelin, M. Hrsg., Eliten nach dem Machtverlust? Fallstudien zur Transformation von Eliten in Krisenzeiten. Berlin, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.
Stevnbak K§, Scherber C§*, Gladbach D, Beyer C, Mikkelsen TN & S. Christensen (2012) Interactions between above- and belowground organisms modified in climate change experiments. Nature Climate Change 2: 805–808. Highlighted by FACULTY of 1000.[§equal contributions; *corresponding author]


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