Oral presentations
Langen, K., Thünken, T., Klemm, J. and Bakker, T. C. M. 2012. Comparison of sperm traits of West African riverine cichlids. Cichlid Science Meeting, Leuven, Belgium
Langen, K., Thünken, T., Shrestha, J. and Bakker, T. C. M. 2012. Effects of inbreeding and age on gonadal traits in an actively inbreeding cichlid fish. 14th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE), Lund, Sweden
Langen, K., Thünken, T. and Bakker, T. C. M. 2010. Do alternative reproductive tactics exist in the cichlid Pelvicachromis taeniatus? 16th European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology, Wierzba, Poland
Poster presentations
Langen, K., Thünken, T. and Bakker, T. C. M. 2011. No experimental evidence for sneaking in the West African cichlid Pelvicachromis taeniatus. 104th Meeting of the Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft (DZG), Saarbrücken, Germany, Poster price: 2nd place in the section "Best overall"
Langen, K., Thünken, T. and Bakker, T. C. M. 2011. No experimental evidence for sneaking in a West African cichlid with extraordinarily long sperm. 13th Congress of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology (ESEB), Tübingen, Germany
Langen, K., Thünken, T., Klemm, J., Baldauf, S. A. and Bakker, T. C. M. 2010. Effects of inbreeding on sperm traits in the cichlid Pelvicachromis taeniatus. 103rd Meeting of the Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft (DZG), Hamburg, Germany
Langen, K., Kullmann, H., Bakker, T. C. M., Schwarzer, J. and Thünken, T. 2009. Inbreeding in a wild population of Pelvicachromis taeniatus (Cichlidae). 102nd Meeting of the Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft (DZG), Regensburg, Germany