The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change
is a research museum of the Leibniz Association
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Morphology, evolution and organismic biology of Higher vertebrates
Descriptions of the Ranitomeya spp. (Dendrobatidae) tadpole: In this project we want to give a complete description of the larvae of multiple species of the poison dart frog genus Ranitomeya (Dendrobatidae). These descriptions will be extraordinary complete and useful because of the use of micro-CT scans to unravel larval morphology. The identification of typical characteristics and morphological comparisons of the different species could follow the descriptions.
Since 10/2013: Graduate studies at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn, Organismic, Evolutionary and Palaeobiology (OEP), M.Sc. 10/2010-09/2013: Undergraduate studies at RWTH Aachen, Biology, B.Sc. (1.1) Bachelor-thesis: „Anatomy and Kinetic of the Barn Owl’s Neck” advised by Prof. Wagner at the zoology department (1.0) 04/2010: General qualification for university entrance at Bischöfliches Pius-Gymnasium Aachen (1.0)