On Monday June 8th 2015, and after we leave Monschau around 9 am, we will do a field excursion to several Nature Reserves (NSG) in the vicinity. In the morning, we plan to visit the NSG ‘Perlenbach-Fuhrtsbachtal-Talsystem’ and the NSG ‘Oberes Rurtal mit den Felsbildungen der Ehrensteinley’.
After lunch (lunch package provided by the Carat Hotel), we plan to visit the NSG ‘Hoscheider Venn mit Quellgebieten des Dreilaeger und Schleebaches’. Around 5 pm we will drive back to Bonn.
Please indicate on the registration form if you wish to participate in the excursion on Monday 8.6.2015. The excursion bus (buses) leaves at 9 am from the congress hotel and arrives ca. 7 pm to Bonn city. Participants must bring their entire luggage with them. Please arrange your own accommodation if staying additional night(s) in Bonn.
The Organizing Committee has requested collecting permits to the German authorities and collecting will be permitted. There is no additional cost for the field excursion due to the DFG funding. This means that the participation in this event is free.