Movement and habitat use of Indotestudo elongata
A long term study on movement patterns, home range sizes and habitat use of the Elongated Tortoise, Indotestudo elongata, (Blyth, 1854) was conducted in northern Cambodia. Ten adult tortoises were fitted with radio tracking transmitters, released to the Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary and studied for a duration of five months. Seasonal as well as total home range sizes were determined using minimum convex polygon estimators and fixed kernel density estimators.
Feeding ecology of Indotestudo elongata in the wild
The feeding ecology of Indotestudo elongata was assessed through direct observations and faecal sample analyses at the Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary, northern Cambodia and the Cat Tien National Park in southern Vietnam. The species was confirmed to maintain an omnivorous diet comprising various invertebrates, carrion, mushrooms and foliage of different plant species.
Crocodylus siamensis : Habitat suitability, coverage with protected areas and population connectivity
To evaluate habitat suitability and coverage by designated protected areas across the species' distributional range habitat suitability models were computed using a combination of bioclimatic and remote sensing variables as environmental predictors. Additionally, population connectivity as well as current and future habitat fragmentation through dam construction was assessed by performing population connectivity models to facilitate future conservation management strategies and prioritization.
Potential distribution and effectiveness of the protected area network for Shinisaurus crocodylurus
The Crocodile Lizard Shinisaurus crocodilurus Ahl, 1930 is a monotypic species, restricted to southern China and northern Vietnam. In order to accelerate the discovery of so far unknown populations of S. crocodilurus and to identify suitable priority areas for future conservation measures we determined the species' potential distribution using correlative species distribution models (SDMs) based on locality records and a set of satellite based environmental predictors.