The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change
is a research museum of the Leibniz Association
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This project is based on the acquisition of the herpetofaunal composition within the "Parque Nacional Cordillera Azul" in the western amazon basin. The main focus is the structure of amphibian communities.
This project started 2013.
Dr. Lily Rodriguez
In this project we want to examine patterns of the amphibian communities within selected areas of the Parque Nacional Cordillera Azul (PNCAZ) to help understanding fine and broad scale variation within this group of fascinating animals. Especially in this inhomogeneous forests, where herpetofaunal communities are not sufficiently studied. Furthermore occurrences of the herpetofauna was registered and collected to understand their composition and allocation of resources. Additionally, this complements the inventory list of the Parque Nacional Cordillera Azul.