The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

is a research museum of the Leibniz Association

Welcome from prehistory

The ancestors of our fauna and flora


13.12.2012 to 21.05.2013
2nd floor
Type of exhibition: 
Special exhibition

An exhibition of the world famous fossils from the Messel Pit near Darmstadt, which was recorded in 1995 in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The special exhibition takes visitors into the atmosphere of a tropical rainforest, as it was on the European continent, about 47 million years ago. At that time, when the Earth's poles were not covered with ice, Germany was the habitat of the prehistoric horse, anteater and Co.

A special feature of the fossils from the Messel Pit is its excellent state of preservation. Even hair, skin shade and stomach contents are preserved. This makes the findings practically unique.

To demonstrate the connection to today's living animals, in the exhibition also related descendants of the Messel animals are shown, creating a "window on evolution".

In addition to a "kids-area" within the exhibition there is a wide variety of activities and events: from academic lectures to the flashlight tour for children - there is something for everyone.

More information at:

The exhibition is owned by the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt and presented in cooperation with the Alexander-Koenig-Society.

Contact person

Head of Exhibition Department
+49 228 9122-226
+49 228 9122-212
t.gerken [at]

Press relations

Alexandra Hostert

Tel.: +49 (0)228 9122 215
Fax: +49 (0)228 9122 212
E-Mail: a.hostert [at]