We have been committed to the Museum Koenig for more than 40 years, since 2005 as the Alexander Koenig Society. We are a registered, non-profit organisation with around 650 members. We are all fascinated by the research museum. It is both a "showcase" of excellent science and research and an invitation to everyone to experience our "Blue Planet" in all its beauty and fragility.
Nature, animal diversity and their protection are our "mission". We offer lectures and family excursions, run the "Nature inspires" programme for children and young people together with the museum's education department, support students and sponsor exhibitions that would otherwise not be possible.
It's a wonderful thing! Of course, it requires commitment, help and goodwill, but the rewards are great fun and a wonderful experience.
Would you like to join us? Welcome to the AKG! Please feel free to contact us: akg@leibniz-lib.de
Goals & activities
We - the Alexander Koenig Society e.V. (AKG) - support the diverse, highly interesting facilities and projects of the Museum Koenig. In addition, we have made it our mission to bring this research museum with its unrivalled permanent exhibition "Our Blue Planet - Life in the Network" closer to the general public.
We see it as our task to promote the provision of educational opportunities in the natural sciences and in the field of nature conservation by raising funds and personal commitment, and to bring together interested individuals and institutions. We are a non-profit organisation and do not pursue any commercial interests.
Our company
- aims to publicise the unique importance of the Museum Koenig through events, lectures and excursions,
- uses your donations to support LIB staff, students, doctoral candidates and post-docs in their zoological research work on biodiversity and in the field of environmental, nature and species protection,
- helps with the acquisition and supplementation of collections and scientific literature,
- awards an annual prize for outstanding dissertations to a doctoral student at the museum,
- promotes the biological education of schoolchildren with a youth programme,
- supports major projects, such as the "Rainforest Exhibition"
Volunteer work
Without our members, their commitment and their willingness to support our work, the AKG's funding of the research museum would not be possible.
If you would like to join us, if “our Museum Koenig” and its mission are close to your heart, you are very welcome! Please get in touch!
Board of Directors
- Helmut Stahl (President)
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Böhme (Vice President)
- Dr. Karl-Dieter Wingert (Treasurer)
- Dr. Susanne Adams (Secretary)
Board of Directors
- Richard Andreas Domschke
- Prof. Eberhard Fischer
- Uwe Günther
- Angelika Gut-Toews
- Ingrid Hirsch-Leggewie
- Dr. Maria Hohn-Berghorn
- Wolfgang Hürter
- Dr. Cornelia Löhne
- Dr. Rudolf Specht
- Frank Täufer
“Born” members
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Misof (Director LIB)
Board of Trustees
- Tom Macke, C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG, Königswinter (Chairman of the Board of Trustees)
- Andrea Milz, State Secretary for Sport and Volunteering of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Deputy Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees)
- Marco Alfter, Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation
- Dr. Hermann Berg, DLR
- Mathias and Viktoria Forster, Forster Gardening and Landscaping
- Angela Freimuth, Member of the NRW State Parliament
- Renate Hendricks, former member of the NRW state parliament
- Dr. Hubertus Hille, Managing Director of IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, Bonn
- Torsten Janßen, Partner Ebner Stolz Bonn
- Dr. Lutz Kosack, INRES University of Bonn
- Thomas Muchow, Rhenish Cultural Landscape Foundation
- Jörg Stolz, Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG
- Prof. Wiltrud Terlau, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
- Thomas Toews, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Employers' Association
- President of the Alexander-Koenig-Gesellschaft
Phone: +49 228 9122 280
E-Mail: h.stahl@leibniz-lib.de
- Coordinator of the Alexander-Koenig-Gesellschaft e. V.
Phone: +49 228 9122 280
Fax: +49 228 9122 212
E-Mail: akg@leibniz-lib.de