Museum Koenig Bonn
Adenauerallee 160
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 9122 0
Travelling by public transport
From Bonn main station, take the underground in the direction of Bad Godesberg (lines 16, 63) or Bad Honnef (line 66) to the Museum Koenig stop.
Travelling by car
Access to the car park is directly in front of the museum.
- A 565 motorway, exit "Bonn-Poppelsdorf": follow the signs for "Museumsmeile", get into the left-hand lane after the Reuterbrücke bridge and turn off onto Adenauerallee via Buschstraße, Schedestraße.
- B9, A562 from Bad Godesberg: get into the left-hand lane towards Reuterbrücke, turn right before the bridge and turn onto Adenauerallee via Buschstraße, Schedestraße.
- B9 from the city centre: follow the road out of town.
Information on the parking situation
The Museum Koenig Bonn has its own car park, which is insufficient at weekends and on public holidays, especially on bad weather days. The surrounding streets are mostly residents' parking zones and are very regularly monitored. Therefore, please use the multi-storey car park near the Art and Exhibition Hall, for example, which is about a 10-minute walk away.