African golden cat
We are delighted that Heide Macke has taken on the sponsorship of the African golden cat(Caracal aurata).
The African golden cat is about twice the size of a "normal" domestic cat and has golden yellow fur. It is the only true "rainforest cat" in Africa - its closest relatives, the caracal and the serval, inhabit drier areas, and the leopard is also not tied to wetlands. However, the golden cat is mainly found in the humid primary rainforests of West and Central Africa.
It has rarely been observed in the wild and is the least researched cat in Africa. Only a little is known about its diet: rodents and squirrels make up the majority of its prey. However, smaller duiker antelopes, monkeys and birds are also hunted. The only known enemy of the golden cat is the larger leopard.
Progressive deforestation has already severely restricted the golden cat's habitat, particularly in West Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Poaching is also a problem for the species: Time and again, golden cats get caught in traps that are actually designed for other animal species and are sold as "bush meat" on the markets. The golden cat is therefore already on the international list of endangered species.