Mountain Crested Flycatcher
We are delighted that Doris Wagenknecht has taken on the sponsorship of the mountain flycatcher.
The mountain flycatcher(Elminia albonotata) belongs to the family of flycatchers (Stenostiridae), which are widespread in Africa and Asia, among other places. However, the range of this species is limited to isolated areas in central and eastern Africa, including Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
If you come across a cup-shaped nest woven from moss, lichen and cobwebs with 1-3 eggs in the understorey of the rainforest, this could be the breeding site of the mountain crested flycatcher (Elminia albonotata).
The mountain flycatcher's habitat is various evergreen forest formations, especially at higher altitudes. Within the forest, the birds constantly hunt insects, preferably in the lower to middle layers. During the breeding season, the mountain flycatchers stay close to the ground for longer periods of time. The breeding female is provided with food by the male. Once the young have hatched from the egg after around 17 days, they are fed by both parents until they fledge after around 12 days.