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Climate protection according to your strengths

In this workshop, we combine the topics of psychology, climate, emotions and health. Through exciting exercises and discussions, you will gain a small insight into how you react to the environment and your surroundings and how climate issues influence our environment, behaviour and feelings. Together we can discover ways to become more open and self-confident. The aim is to give you not only knowledge, but also practical tips so that you can deal with your feelings more easily and confidently.

  • Date

    Sunday 15.06.2025, 14:00 h

  • Place

    Seminar room

  • Kind


  • Lecturer

    Gregory Heuser

  • Target group

    Adults, teenagers

  • Duration

    120 minutes

  • Price

    free of charge

  • Language


As part of the exhibition "What the Health - One World. Your Health!" exhibition at the Museum König, this interactive workshop focuses on the emotional aspects of the climate crisis and how it affects our lives and those around us. Feelings such as overwhelm, fear or hopelessness are quite normal when it comes to climate issues. But how can we better understand these emotions and use them positively to make our lives and the world a better and safer place?

This workshop is an invitation: Take responsibility for your emotions, your actions and for a healthy, sustainable and more beautiful future!

  • Gregory Heuser, M.Sc. psychologist and psychotherapist

    I work as a psychotherapist in my own practice in Siegburg and am a member and delegate of the organisation "Psychologists/Psychotherapists for Future e.V.". In addition to my therapeutic work, I like to focus on the connection between the climate crisis and people's mental health. My goal is to support people through workshops, individual counselling and lectures to develop emotional strength/resilience to face the many challenges of our time with more clarity and strength.

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