Desert monitor lizard
We are delighted that Käthe Wickert has taken over the sponsorship of the desert monitor lizard (Varanus griseus).
The desert monitor lizard (Varanus griseus) is one of the most widespread monitor lizard species. Its range extends from the Moroccan and Mauritanian Atlantic coast right across the Saharan and Arabian desert belt to the Middle East, where it even reaches the Rajastan Desert of north-west India via Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. A special adaptation to sand and heat is its nostril, which is moved back to just in front of the eye, thus doubling the length of the nasal passage, which cools inhaled air and allows sand particles to be filtered out. Like all monitor lizards, the desert monitor lizard is a predator that hunts small mammals, ground-nesting birds and lizards, but can also defend itself vehemently against predators (birds of prey).